Netflix is now Disney on steroids

%name Netflix is now Disney on steroids by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

As it happens, the news about Netflix doing a sequel to “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” and doing a break-through same-day streaming/movie theater release is far from the only bombshell Netflix is lobbing this month. The “Tiger” project alone has already ruffled movie industry feathers — major chains have instantly decided to blackball the film, preventing it from being screened on their theaters. Doing a streaming video sequel to a property that grossed more than $200 million globally in its theatrical run was already a major provocation to traditional movie industry, but now Netflix has another curve ball.

It has inked an unprecedented four-film package deal with Adam Sandler, arguably the biggest comedy star of late 1990s.

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