‘Saturday Night Live’ laughs at your Jon Snow obsession

%name ‘Saturday Night Live’ laughs at your Jon Snow obsession by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

In the period between Season 5 and Season 6 of Game of Thrones, fans of HBO’s fantasy drama went back and forth obsessing over one single question — Is Jon Snow really dead? In turn, the previous few months were chock full of fan theories detailing how Jon Snow might have survived his murder at the end of Season 5.

Of course, such theories were promptly laid to bed during this season’s first episode. Nonetheless, we’re still not entirely sure what plans HBO and author George R.R. Martin have in store for Snow.

With that backdrop, Saturday Night Live over the weekend took some time to poke fun at the waiting game that HBO forced fans to endure over the past few months. Indeed, ever since Season 5 ended, we’ve had to withstand a seemingly endless avalanche of debates and theories — often ridiculous — regarding the fate of Jon Snow.


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Yes, you can get a high-quality 50″ HDTV for $400

%name Yes, you can get a high quality 50″ HDTV for $400 by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

If you’re on the lookout for a well-rated 50-inch HDTV and you want to spend as little as possible, you’ve come to the right place. There’s simply no reason to wait for Black Friday anymore to purchase a mid-range TV because there are options out there all year round that offer great picture quality at a ridiculously low price. Check out the Hisense 50H6B 50-Inch 1080p Smart LED TV, which has a 4.4-star rating on Amazon and costs just $400.


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Google is testing a change to its search results page that we really hate

%name Google is testing a change to its search results page that we really hate by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Google usually likes to keep things consistent, but the search giant over the weekend started A/B testing a new design for its search results page that has some users wondering if Google has lost its mind. As anyone who has used Google over the past 17 years can attest, search results are always returned in blue. Recently, though, some users are finding that their search results are showing up in black. Notably, the black links are showing up both on desktop and mobile searches.


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Siri creators unveiled a new AI platform that seems to blow Siri out of the water

%name Siri creators unveiled a new AI platform that seems to blow Siri out of the water by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Over the past few years, we’ve heard a number of grandiose promises about a new software platform called Viv. Created by Siri co-creator Dag Kittlaus and small team of engineers, Viv is effectively a futuristic AI system that will reportedly blow Siri and other intelligent personal assistants out of the water.

While a service like Siri, for example, can only handle relatively simple queries that it’s pre-programmed to process, Viv is engineered to handle complex and multi-layered queries on the fly. As an illustrative example, Kittlaus recently said that Viv can handle a query like, “Find me a flight to Dallas with a seat that Shaq could fit in,” with ease.


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‘Captain America: Civil War’ post-credits scenes: Everything you need to know

%name ‘Captain America: Civil War’ post credits scenes: Everything you need to know by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Not only is Captain America: Civil War one of the most enjoyable and explosive movies of the summer, it’s also the jumping-off point for Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. More so than any previous film, Civil War feels like a transition from one era to another, which is why Marvel decided to once again tack on two additional scenes after the credits started rolling.


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You can now search the entire Panama Papers database

%name You can now search the entire Panama Papers database by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The original revelations from the Panama Papers leak were handled by a select group of news organizations. But if you’ve ever wanted to delve into the financial goings-on of the rich and famous, the entire trove of documents relating to 200,000 accounts is now online, in a handy searchable database no less.

The Offshore Leaks Database indexes and makes accessible the entire trove of documents. You can search by company, address, country, and a bunch of other fields. The database will even help you develop a web to show links between different offshore holding companies and trusts, a vital part of trying to understand the complicated finanical systems used to disguise ownership.


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New app can tell you if your iPhone might’ve been hacked

%name New app can tell you if your iPhone might’ve been hacked by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

It might seem like your precious iPhone is always at your side and it never leaves your sight, but that’s simply not the case. You might be shocked to learn that oftentimes when an iPhone is hacked, the hack comes about because people gained physical access to the iPhone in question. So many users don’t take full advantage of the iOS security options in place and as a result, malicious software can be installed quicker than you can imagine.

Now, however, there’s a new app available in the iOS App Store that can tell you if your phone might have been hacked.


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Giveaway: Ecobee3 smart W-iFi thermostat with HomeKit

%name Giveaway: Ecobee3 smart W iFi thermostat with HomeKit by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Often overlooked as just a simple way to control the temperature in your house, most people don’t pay attention to their thermostats unless they’re sweating or freezing. That has changed for many people over the last couple of years as smart thermostats have invaded our homes. They aren’t just conveniently controlled from your smartphone (who wants to get up to change the temperature?) they also end up saving you money.


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Here’s how Uber plans to kill buses

%name Here’s how Uber plans to kill buses by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

For right now, Uber is only focused on putting taxis out of business. But in the long run, the company wants to be the ultimate way to get from A to B, and that means challenging public transit like buses. A new option for $5 fixed-rate rides in New York City gives us a peek at how that might work.

UberPool is an existing option that allows multiple riders going to similar destinations to split the cost of a ride. What Uber is now offering in downtown Manhattan is a flat-rate version of the same. For rides starting and ending below 110th Street during rush hour, Uber will simply charge you a $5 flat rate. More importantly, that rate is fixed–no surge pricing. During the mornings, you’ll have to walk to a nearby intersection to get picked up, whereas on nights and weekends, you’ll get taken from door to door.


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