10-year-old who got $10,000 for hacking Instagram reveals his other feats

%name 10 year old who got $10,000 for hacking Instagram reveals his other feats by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

What were you doing when you were just 10 years old? Were you able to find any software bugs and win a boatload of cash for it? I sure wasn’t, but a Finnish boy named Jani recently told Facebook about an Instagram bug would let anyone delete comments inside the app. The social network rewarded him with $10,000 for his discovery.

It turns out that Jani is not only good with computers already, but he has a great sense of humor.


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Galaxy S7 beats iPhone 6s: Samsung takes back the top spot in the U.S.

%name Galaxy S7 beats iPhone 6s: Samsung takes back the top spot in the U.S. by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

For the first time since April last year, Samsung regained the No. 1 spot in the U.S. smartphone market, new research shows. According to a new report from Hong Kong-based Counterpoint Research seen by Business Korea, Samsung accounted for 28.8% of the U.S. market for the month of March – the Galaxy S7 was unveiled in late February at this year’s MWC 2016 mobile trade show.


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Must watch: ‘Game of Thrones’ intro remade as a ’90s TV show

%name Must watch: ‘Game of Thrones’ intro remade as a  ’90s TV show by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

With Game of Thrones now chugging along in its 6th year, HBO’s wildly popular fantasy drama has been subject to a number of interesting fan-made recuts and mashups over the years. But perhaps the best we’ve seen yet comes in the form of a recently resurfaced video which reimagines the traditional Game of Thrones intro as an 80s or 90s sitcom.

From a more digitized theme song to a purposeful reduction in video quality, the intro mashup below really manages to capture the look and feel of what TV shows used to look like a few decades back. And as one commenter on YouTube astutely points out, you might be well advised to “watch in 144p for maximum effect!”


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8 different HP wireless keyboards and mice on sale starting at $10

%name 8 different HP wireless keyboards and mice on sale starting at $10 by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Perhaps it’s time to replace your banged up old keyboard when the zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz key that sticks. It just so happens that Amazon is having a big sale right now on wireless keyboards and mice from HP, and the prices are so low that they start at just over $10. There is absolutely no reason to go with wired accessories these days and HP is the best in the business, so be sure to check out all eight sale items below.

Note that these sale prices are good until the end of the day on Saturday, May 7, or while supplies l


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iPhone 7 already generating more excitement than the iPhone 6s ever did

%name iPhone 7 already generating more excitement than the iPhone 6s ever did by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Ahead of the iPhone 7 unveiling, there’s still a lot we don’t know for certain about Apple’s next-gen smartphone. Will it really ship without a headphone jack? Will the battery life be much improved? Will the highly anticipated dual-camera system only be available on the iPhone 7 Plus?

Yet despite the questions hovering over the iPhone 7, and despite the fact that the device isn’t slated to launch for at least another four full months, excitement and interest in the device is already greater than it was for the iPhone 6s. This is particularly noteworthy given that the iPhone 6s has arguably not performed up to expectations. As you’ve likely heard by now, Apple last quarter experienced its first year over year decline in iPhone sales in company history. As a result, many have been quick to call for Tim Cook’s head to roll while others have emphatically declared that the iPhone has finally peaked.


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Police confiscate drug dealer’s phone, get bombarded with calls looking for drugs

%name Police confiscate drug dealer’s phone, get bombarded with calls looking for drugs by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

In a bit of offbeat news that seems like it could have fit right in as a humorous plot point on Breaking Bad, police in Alliance, Ohio recently confiscated a drug dealer’s phone and are now being bombarded by texts and phone calls from customers looking to pick up some product.

In fact, the sheer volume of communications being directed at the drug dealer’s phone has prompted authorities there to plead (somewhat jokingly) with customers to stop texting and calling.

“Police are trying to search through texts and contacts,” WCMH-TV News reports, “but they say that the constant stream of calls and texts is ‘really annoying.'”


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$225 gets you a well-reviewed 40″ HDTV in this Amazon sale

%name $225 gets you a well reviewed 40″ HDTV in this Amazon sale by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

If you don’t think that a 40-inch HDTV that costs less than $300 could possibly be any good, just read the reviews on Amazon for the Upstar P40EA8 40-Inch 1080p LED TV. This $290 has a rating of 4 out of 5 stars from more than 600 customer reviews, which is a better rating than you’ll see for some TVs that cost thousands.

And what’s the only thing better than a solid HDTV for $290? How about the same TV for just $225 with free two-day shipping.


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Trump’s Cinco de Mayo tribute is being mocked by the entire internet

%name Trump’s Cinco de Mayo tribute is being mocked by the entire internet by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Now that he has the Republican nomination wrapped up, doughy presidential candidate Donald Trump is determined to undergo an image makeover so you’ll hopefully forget about all the offensive and incendiary things that he’s said over the past several months. Since today is May 5th — a.k.a., Cinco de Mayo, a major holiday in Mexico that celebrates to commemorate its army’s victory over French forces in 1862 — Trump decided to do a little cultural outreach to our neighbors to the south.

Will it be effective and win over the hearts of the immigrants that he once trashed for being drug dealers, thieves and rapists? Well, we’ll let you be the judge of that…


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