How to stop Google seeing your private medical history

%name How to stop Google seeing your private medical history by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The future of health care will be deeply connected to the future of tech. Companies like Google, Apple, and many others are studying how gadgets and apps can make us healthier and help us live longer than previous generations. Using advanced personal devices that can track health-related parameters and lifestyle patterns, tech companies can help doctors find new remedies and cures for existing conditions. To pull everything off, tech companies and medical organizations need access to medical data in bulk. But accessing someone’s personal medical information shouldn’t be done unless explicit consent is obtained from patients.

News broke last week that Google will access the medical records of more than 1.6 million patients in the U.K. for developing a an app to help monitor symptoms of kidney failure. But patients who don’t feel comfortable sharing their medical history with the search giant can ask to opt out.


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Two major Tesla departures raise red flags about Model 3 production

%name Two major Tesla departures raise red flags about Model 3 production by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Tesla has always had the vision to deliver the car of the future, but does it have the production chops? Bloomberg is reporting that two major Tesla executives — vice president of production Greg Reichow and vice president of manufacturing Josh Ensign — will be leaving the company. This is not a good look for Tesla, which has had to deal with an unprecedented number of reservations for its potentially game-changing Model 3 car that it unveiled last month.


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5 examples of Apple’s insane attention to detail

%name 5 examples of Apple’s insane attention to detail by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

In a story that’s been told a million times over, Steve Jobs, upon his return to Apple in 1997, completely turned the company upside down. He mercifully decimated Apple’s bloated product line and reinvigorated the company with a new sense of purpose. With Jobs at the helm, innovation and design excellence became a company-wide priority. In short order, Jobs’ admittedly obsessive attention to detail began to permeate through all aspects of Apple’s operations.

From the shape of the icons on the iPhone to the type of materials used in Apple retail stores, Jobs viewed every single detail, no matter how minute, as an important piece of a larger puzzle that warranted deep thought and consideration.


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The world’s most innovative smartphone is now just $299 unlocked

%name The world’s most innovative smartphone is now just $299 unlocked by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The brand new LG G5 might have a nifty modular design that we’ve never seen before on a smartphone, but how useful is it really? And to make things worse, there aren’t really any good modules available yet, so it’s basically just an overly complex removable battery.

If you want to see real innovation, check out the Nextbit Robin, a new factory unlocked Android phone that ships with 32GB but never runs out of storage space.

How is that possible? What kind of magic is this?! Read on to find out.


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10 paid iPhone apps on sale for free right now

%name 10 paid iPhone apps on sale for free right now by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Whether you’re celebrating or mourning last night’s election results in Indiana, you could always use some more paid iPhone apps that are on sale for free for a limited time. Today’s list is heavy on games but there are lots of other great apps for things like productivity and photography as well. Let’s check them out!


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More people call for Tim Cook’s head to roll, but they’re laughably wrong

%name More people call for Tim Cook’s head to roll, but they’re laughably wrong by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Have you heard the latest news about Apple? Turns out the company is sinking. And fast. Yeah, after a wild few years of negligible and yawn-inducing innovations, Apple can no longer skate by via sheer momentum. The Apple Watch is a flop, iPhone sales are collapsing, and Tim Cook needs to be shown the door.

In the wake of Apple’s earnings report last week, the nonsensical observations above seem to be gaining traction among analysts, pundits and talking heads. It’s almost funny how a company that manages to rake in $50 billion in revenue and more than $10 billion in profits in just three months can so quickly go from a tech innovator to a tech has-been. But so it goes in the tech world where an inability to look at the big picture is par for the course.


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You must watch the George R.R. Martin vs. J.R.R. Tolkien epic rap battle right now

%name You must watch the George R.R. Martin vs. J.R.R. Tolkien epic rap battle right now by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

As a longtime fantasy nerd, I have a soft spot in my heart for both George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire and J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings series. While I think Martin creates more fully developed overall characters in his stories — he writes women way better than Tolkien ever could, for instance — there’s no denying that the original sagas of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins were groundbreaking classics.

So which acclaimed fantasy author is really better? That’s the question that the Epic Rap Battles YouTube channel recently tried to answer when it pitted actors playing Martin and Tolkien against each other in a hilarious spoof.


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Amazon’s 11 best deals: $299 Nextbit Robin, jumping drone, discounted laptops and more

%name Amazon’s 11 best deals: $299 Nextbit Robin, jumping drone, discounted laptops and more by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Today’s post on Amazon’s best daily deals is without question one of the best ones in a long time. And if you follow BGR Deals, you know that’s saying a lot since our daily deals posts always include tons of great bargains. What makes today so special? A Nextbit Robin cloud-first smartphone for just $299 unlocked, a laptop/tablet hybrid for $180, 20% off a Roomba and a crazy land-based drone that can jump are just the start…


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