Futuristic hoverboard is the real deal, and it just set a new Guinness World Record for flight

%name Futuristic hoverboard is the real deal, and it just set a new Guinness World Record for flight by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Last month, we were blown away by a new hoverboard video that was so amazing most everyone decided that it had to be fake. The hoverboard in question – dubbed the Flyboard Air – was built by Zapata Racing and featured seemingly impossible specs: autonomous flight up to 10,000 feet, a top speed of 93 mph and 10 minutes of flying time.


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A single infographic shows every betrayal that ever happened in ‘Game of Thrones’

%name A single infographic shows every betrayal that ever happened in ‘Game of Thrones’ by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

If you are a character in the world of Game of Thrones, chances are you will either be killed by someone you love and respect or you will be forced to kill someone you love and respect at some point in your life.

In fact, the surprising and brutal deaths have become the show’s calling card over the years, but when you have dozens of characters to keep track of, it can be difficult to remember who killed who.


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300 free wallpapers that will breathe new life into your iPhone (or Android phone)

%name 300 free wallpapers that will breathe new life into your iPhone (or Android phone) by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Well, I suppose it was inevitable. Late last week I wrote a quick post about how I make my iPhone look so much better than yours. Long story short, people constantly email me each time I publish an article with a photo of my iPhone at the top. Why? Because they want the wallpapers I use on my iPhone. So in this post I decided to let people in on the not-so-secret secret of how I make the wallpapers I use.

Needless to say, I’ve received about 175 emails since that article ran from people asking me to send them the wallpapers pictured in the post. Let’s try something different this time…


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Major tech breakthrough iPhone users have been waiting for is finally here (…but Apple didn’t pull it off)

%name Major tech breakthrough iPhone users have been waiting for is finally here (...but Apple didnt pull it off) by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Why is the iPhone 6s Plus so gigantic and unwieldy when Samsung’s Galaxy S7 edge is wonderfully compact and manageable? Both smartphones have screens that measure 5.5 inches diagonally, so they should be reasonably comparable in size. But alas, the Galaxy S7 edge is a pleasure to use with one hand while the iPhone 6s Plus is far too huge for most users to comfortably manage.

The reason is partially because of Apple’s need to keep that great big home button situated beneath the screen for Touch ID fingerprint authentication. Soon, however, Apple might be able to ditch the home button without having to move its fingerprint scanner to a less convenient position on the back of the phone.


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Game of Thrones: How Kit Harington kept the Snow secret

%name Game of Thrones: How Kit Harington kept the Snow secret by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

A new Game of Thrones episode just aired on HBO, with millions of fans waiting for its creators to answer that burning Jon Snow question. Is he alive, or is he dead? If you’ve seen episode 2 of season 6 then you’ll definitely want to see Kit Harington’s revelations about his character – so read on. If you haven’t seen the new episode title Home yet though, you should definitely stop here because there are major spoilers ahead.


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10 paid iPhone apps on sale for free for a limited time

%name 10 paid iPhone apps on sale for free for a limited time by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Welcome to a brand new week of brand new sales on paid iPhone and iPad apps that are dropping to free for a limited time. We’ve got 10 fresh apps to kick off the week with, and you’re going to be happy you found your way to today’s post. Included among them are a great email app, a very cool weather apps, two apps Minecraft fans are going to love, and plenty more.


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This isn’t your mother’s Mother’s Day gift guide

%name This isn’t your mother’s Mother’s Day gift guide by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Late last year in the heart of the holiday shopping season, we tried something new here at BGR. Instead of running a bunch of holiday-themed gift guides with the same old boring stuff you see on every other site, we published an “un-gift guide” packed with cool gear you couldn’t find in any other guide. We got tons of great feedback after publishing that unique guide, so we’re sticking with the theme.

This year ahead of Mother’s Day, gift guides are a dime a dozen. But unfortunately, they’re stuffed full of junk like Groupons for massages and discounted gardening tools. News flash: it’s 2016, not 1916. Being a mother doesn’t automatically mean you’re not a fan of fun gifts and cool technology, and we’re sick of all the assumptions to the contrary.

Welcome to our Mother’s Day gift guide, where you’ll find 10 tech-focused items that cool mothers young and old are going to love. And since you waited until the last minute to get your mother a Mother’s Day gift, we made sure that all 10 are eligible for free Prime shipping on Amazon. It’s OK, you can thank us later.


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New set photos from Star Wars: Episode VIII look insane

%name New set photos from Star Wars: Episode VIII look insane by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The force has definitely now been awakened, and the world can’t wait to see what happens next. Unfortunately, we still have a long wait ahead of us before Disney’s first followup to Star Wars: The Force Awakens hits theaters on December 15th, 2017. But the good news is that pretty much every single news agency on the internet is doing everything it can to get details surrounding the still untitled Star Wars: Episode VIII movie, and now we’ve been treated to some great aerial set photos as production of the new film carries on in England.


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