The phone everyone thought was the iPhone 7 was just unveiled (yes, it’s a shameless iPhone copy)

%name The phone everyone thought was the iPhone 7 was just unveiled (yes, it’s a shameless iPhone copy) by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

When photos recently leaked showing an unreleased smartphone that looked exactly like an iPhone, it stood to reason that people would jump to the conclusion that the device was… the unreleased iPhone 7. And that’s exactly what happened back in March, when images from an Eastern manufacturer leaked and showed a smartphone that looked exactly like the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s, but with a thinner housing and redesigned antenna lines on the back of the device. Hilariously, the marketing boss from Android vendor Meizu actually had to come out and post a picture of an unreleased Meizu phone to show that the phone in question wasn’t the iPhone 7, but instead an upcoming phone from his company.

Well, the Meizu Pro 6 has now been unveiled and just as we all thought it would be, it’s a shameless iPhone ripoff. But believe it or not, it’s even more shameless than we were expecting.


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Amazon’s 10 best deals of the day: Brand new Kindle Oasis, NFC wireless speaker and more

%name Amazon’s 10 best deals of the day: Brand new Kindle Oasis, NFC wireless speaker and more by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Amazon just unveiled its brand new next-generation Kindle Oasis eReader, and it looks incredible. So needless to say, it’s headlining today’s daily deals post and you’ll find two versions below that you can order now to become one of the first people in the world to own this hot new device. Beyond that, we also have several other great deals for you including the complete Futurama series on DVD, a wireless speaker you can connect to with one tap, and plenty more.


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The stupidest thing Sprint has done in a long, long time

%name The stupidest thing Sprint has done in a long, long time by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Having to compete with the constant onslaught of insults lobbed their way by outspoken T-Mobile CEO John Legere can, at times, drive some rival carrier executives crazy. We’ve seen it before and we’ll see it again. Wireless carriers are generally pretty old school, and they’re simply not used to having to deal with attacks like this on social media. They often get rattled, and when you’re rattled you make mistakes. Mistakes like, say, posting one of the most tasteless promotional videos we’ve ever seen.

We hope you’re sitting down for this one.


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40 of the first Facebook chat bots you can start chatting with right now

%name 40 of the first Facebook chat bots you can start chatting with right now by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Well, we’ve officially come full circle. The future of technology is being driven by next-generation AOL chat rooms powered by Slack, and next-generation chat bots championed by Facebook. They say “everything old is new again,” and it appears as though that’s indeed the case.

All (half-)joking aside, Facebook on Tuesday made a series of big announcements at its F8 developer conference, and one of the biggest was the hotly anticipated launch of a new bot platform for Facebook Messenger. These machine-powered chat accounts allow companies to interact with Facebook Messenger users without, you know, actually having to interact with Facebook Messenger users. There’s definitely a great deal of potential there, and the first wave of chat bots has already begun to roll out.


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Samsung flash drives start at just $7.99 in this big Amazon sale — 8 different models on sale!

%name Samsung flash drives start at just $7.99 in this big Amazon sale    8 different models on sale! by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

If you’re in need of a flash drive you’ve waited long enough… Amazon is currently offering deep discounts on eight different Samsung flash drives that come in all different shapes and sizes. And we mean it — some of these drives are barely bigger than your thumbnail! The sale is going on right now and the prices you see below are only good until the end of the day on Saturday, April 16, or while supplies last.


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Watch the first teaser trailer for Marvel’s ‘Doctor Strange’

%name Watch the first teaser trailer for Marvel’s ‘Doctor Strange’ by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

A new Marvel superhero is getting his own movie this year, Doctor Strange. Played by Benedict Cumberbatch, neurosurgeon Stephen Vincent Strange becomes a person with special powers after he embarks on a multi-dimensional quest to fix his injured hands from a previous accident. That’s how he becomes Doctor Strange and ends up serving a Sorcerer Supreme, Earth’s protector against magical and mystical things. A first teaser trailer for the upcoming blockbuster is already available.


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FBI bought zero-day from professional hackers to crack San Bernardino iPhone

%name FBI bought zero day from professional hackers to crack San Bernardino iPhone by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

A zero-day software flaw is the kind of security issue tech companies fear most. These are unknown bugs that hackers can use to enter devices, websites, computer networks, and other internet services and products, for malicious purposes. It appears that one such attack was used recently to hack the San Bernardino iPhone, a new report shows. In fact, it looks like everything we thought we knew about the way the FBI breached the iPhone, without requiring Apple’s assistance, may be inaccurate.


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