Futuristic warship design takes shape

%name Futuristic warship design takes shape by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

What will warships look like in three decades? Meet the next-generation HMS Dreadnought.

The British Ministry of Defence and Royal Navy challenged young scientists and engineers to design a future warship and the results may surprise you. Defense procurement specialist Startpoint has released stunning images of what the futuristic ship could look like.

This cutting-edge ship concept has been dubbed Dreadnought 2050 in honor of the 1906 HMS Dreadnought, a Royal Naval battleship that eclipsed all other warships at the time.

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Get 3 years of access to your favorite channels, anywhere in the world

%name Get 3 years of access to your favorite channels, anywhere in the world by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Traveling around the world? Awesome. Doing it without missing new episodes of your favorite shows? Even better. Hey, judge as all you want, but you try not getting your Game of Thrones fix for weeks at a time. Get JustUnblock and watch all of your favorite shows anywhere in the world—we’re offering a deal on a three-year subscription for just $49.

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iPhone 7 concept imagines the next big thing for the iPhone’s display

%name iPhone 7 concept imagines the next big thing for the iPhone’s display by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Even though we have almost a year to go until we see the iPhone 7, concepts for the device have been popping up all over the web. One such video concept that imagines the next big thing for Apple when it comes to iPhone design, although we have our doubts about whether Apple would be able to pull off such an ambitious design.

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Meet the hacker who is single-handedly trying to rid the web of racists

%name Meet the hacker who is single handedly trying to rid the web of racists by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Many of the stories we run on BGR revolve around hacks and security flaws that we believe our readers should know about. Online security is a hot topic in 2015, and you need to have all the tools to keep yourself safe. But every once in a while we have a chance to sit back and admire a hack, rather than run to our computers to change all of our passwords.

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Jealousy swirls as iPhone users show off new emoji Android fans can’t have

%name Jealousy swirls as iPhone users show off new emoji Android fans can’t have by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Android fans really, really don’t like it when cool things come to iOS first. That was the case this week when iPhone users upgrading to iOS 9.1 got a massive new batch of emoji from Unicode 7.0 and 8.0. that includes the highly coveted middle finger emoji. Android users don’t yet have access to these new characters and the Android Reddit community is not happy about it.

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‘Steve Jobs’ movie review: A surprisingly boring and uninspired film

%name ‘Steve Jobs’ movie review: A surprisingly boring and uninspired film by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

With high expectations, I went to see the new Steve Jobs movie earlier this week with some friends. Penned by Aaron Sorkin and directed by Danny Boyle, the movie seemed like a surefire hit. Especially given the tremendous job Sorkin did on The Social Network, I was anticipating a similarly riveting movie going experience.

The reality was the exact opposite. In a word, the movie is boring. It’s dreadfully boring.

As advertised, the entire movie consists of just three scenes, each set before a major product announcement from Steve Jobs. While this type of scheme is clever in theory, it falls horribly flat in practice.

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Elon Musk responds to Consumer Reports pulling Tesla Model S recommendation

%name Elon Musk responds to Consumer Reports pulling Tesla Model S recommendation by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Elon Musk recently took to Twitter to counteract Consumer Reports’ bombshell of a report in which it withdrew its recommendation for the Tesla Model S. As a quick refresher, the report said it could no longer recommend that users buy Tesla’s electric and luxury sedan on account of reliability issues it discovered while surveying 1,400 Model S owners.

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Live the dream: Get your very own dual-basket deep fryer for under $60 on Amazon

%name Live the dream: Get your very own dual basket deep fryer for under $60 on Amazon by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

You could listen to your cardiologist and cut back on cholesterol-heavy foods, or you could live the dream and buy your very own Hamilton Beach 35034 Professional-Style Deep Fryer on Amazon for under $60 with free Prime shipping. There are no doctors on the BGR Deals team, but we’re going to go ahead and write you a prescription for a dozen deep-fried onion rings anyway.

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