How New York prison inmates defeated Harvard’s award-winning debate team

%name How New York prison inmates defeated Harvard’s award winning debate team by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

You’d think that Harvard’s national debate champions would be able to win any verbal confrontation they’d be involved with, especially when it comes to debating. But you’d be wrong to assume that. Even the best lose sometimes, and Harvard’s loss is all the more surprising when you learn that a team of inmates from the Eastern New York Correctional Facility managed to outperform the Harvard’s best and brightest.

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Learn how to code with the Raspberry Pi 2 starter kit for 85% off

%name Learn how to code with the Raspberry Pi 2 starter kit for 85% off by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to code, you’ve probably already had several people recommend the Raspberry Pi microcomputer. Now, we’ve made it even easier to get started, bundling the new Raspberry Pi 2 Model B, a kit of essential tools, and five courses that’ll help you make the most of it. Better yet, we’re making the whole bundle available for just $115 at the BGR Store.

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Bloomberg: Amazon wants to replace your cable company

%name Bloomberg: Amazon wants to replace your cable company by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Amazon is an insanely ambitious company, which is why we can’t say we’re surprised about a new Bloomberg report claiming that the pride of Jeff Bezos is working on a cable-killing live TV streaming service that will serve as a complement to its own Netflix-style online TV service that offers plenty of on-demand content but no streaming of live programming.

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Elon Musk accidentally spills the beans on an unannounced Tesla car

%name Elon Musk accidentally spills the beans on an unannounced Tesla car by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Tesla’s long-term strategy for electric car domination may be grander than we previously realized. While Tesla’s plan to roll out a mass produced and affordable electric car — dubbed the Model 3 — is already widely known, Elon Musk a few days back may have inadvertently spilled the beans on another car Tesla is planning to develop — the Model Y.

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We can’t believe we’re saying this but… this new Beats product looks pretty hot

%name We can’t believe we’re saying this but… this new Beats product looks pretty hot by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

When Apple acquired Beats to the tune of $3 billion last year, everyone with an interest in either company got excited about the possibilities. Beats and Apple both have mass appeal, but Beats products have never received the same praise as Apple’s when it comes to quality design. With the new Beats Pill+, that might finally change.

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Time Warner Cable vows to stop behaving like Time Warner Cable

%name Time Warner Cable vows to stop behaving like Time Warner Cable by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

For a long time, big cable companies like Comcast and Time Warner Cable have had infamously bad customer service and yet it hasn’t hurt them because they’ve often had regional monopolies when it comes to delivering broadband services. That said, the recent backlash against Big Cable that culminated in the American government moving to block the proposed Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger has gotten cable companies to rethink the way they deal with their customers, as a new initiative from Time Warner Cable shows.

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Black Ops 3, Fallout 4, Halo 5: The most anticipated games of the 2015 holiday season

%name Black Ops 3, Fallout 4, Halo 5: The most anticipated games of the 2015 holiday season by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

We’re primed for the busiest holiday season since the new generation of consoles kicked off in 2013, which means that over the next three months, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One owners are going to have some very difficult decisions to make.

After all, even if you have the funds to pick up every game for every console, there’s no way you’ll have time to play them all. So with that in mind, these are the games that gamers are most looking forward to throughout the rest of 2015.

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