Is this the biggest myth about reviving a wet smartphone?

%name Is this the biggest myth about reviving a wet smartphone? by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

What should you do if your smartphone stops working after you drop it in water? That’s easy: You should put it in rice to dry off… or should you? While we’ve heard many success stories about people drying off their phones by putting them in rice, at least one study claims there are more efficient ways to dry out your soaked device.

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Welcome to DSEI, the biggest military show in the world

%name Welcome to DSEI, the biggest military show in the world by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

From tanks, helicopters, special forces All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) and fast-attack craft through to the most advanced weaponry in the world and much, much more – the Defence and Security Equipment International Show (DSEI) is the place to be this week.

The biggest show of its kind, approximately 32,000 visitors from 121 countries will walk the floors at the ExCel Center in London, U.K. this week, seeking out the latest military and security technologies. The four-day DSEI event kicked off Tuesday.

Every other year, top military and security technology manufacturers converge with military buyers from all over globe. Buyers will have the chance to review tech from more than 1,500 international exhibitors encompassing aerospace, land, maritime and security technology.

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Hidden Netflix tricks that can vastly improve your streaming quality

%name Hidden Netflix tricks that can vastly improve your streaming quality by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

We all love Netflix but there are times when we our streams aren’t as consistent as we’d like them to be. Because of this, we were intrigued to see Rather Be Shopping’s list of Netflix hacks that you can use to deliver a more consistent experience while watching your favorite shows and we want to draw particular attention to a list of secret commands you can use to improve streaming if you’re watching on a laptop or desktop computer.

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Great Amazon deal: 50-inch LG smart LED TV (2015 model) for under $630

%name Great Amazon deal: 50 inch LG smart LED TV (2015 model) for under $630 by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Remember when buying a new flat-screen TV meant selling off some of your belongings and eating nothing but ramen for a few months? Those days are long gone, and giant HDTVs are very affordable right now. Of course, just because TV’s are cheaper than ever doesn’t mean you should stop looking for deals to save a few extra bucks. And today, the BGR Deals Team has found a killer deal on the LG Electronics 50LF6100 50-inch 1080p Smart LED TV.

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