Here’s a former Apple designer’s brilliant idea for reinventing the iPhone’s lock screen

%name Here’s a former Apple designer’s brilliant idea for reinventing the iPhone’s lock screen by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand waking up to an iPhone lock screen with an endlessly scrollable list of notifications that I can barely focus on. More than 50 unread email notifications from Mailbox… weather updates from Dark Sky… a dozen unread iMessages… updates from social networks… reminders… it’s all quite overbearing, and I often wish that Apple would clean things up a bit.

Now, a new reimagining of the iPhone lock screen created by a former Apple designer envisions a gorgeous new interface you really have to check out.

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Hurry: Amazon is offering 60% or more off SD and microSD cards right now

%name Hurry: Amazon is offering 60% or more off SD and microSD cards right now by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

There aren’t many universal truths in life, but this one is certain: you can never have too many memory cards. Smartphones, tablets, cameras, computers and more… they often support expandable memory so that their main storage can be kept free of clutter. After all, high-definition videos, high-resolution photos and high-quality music can eat up tons of storage space.

SD and Micro SD memory cards are now more affordable than ever, but you still shouldn’t ever pay full retail. Right now, for a limited time only, Amazon is offering 60% or even more off of select Micro SD and full-size SD cards, and there are some crazy deals available that you won’t want to miss.

Here are some of the best deals you’ll find:

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Amazon CEO responds to bombshell report about how miserable it is working for Amazon

%name Amazon CEO responds to bombshell report about how miserable it is working for Amazon by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Amazon is an awesome company to its customers. To its employees, however, it’s anything but. The New York Times over the weekend released a bombshell report detailing what it’s really like to work for Amazon and it seems that being on the payroll of Jeff Bezos is a miserable and soul-draining experience.

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How AT&T helped the NSA spy on Internet traffic

%name How AT&T helped the NSA spy on Internet traffic by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

For decades, AT&T actively helped the NSA engage in widespread surveillance on both phone calls and Internet traffic. Citing documents made available by former NSA employee Edward Snowden, The New York Times and ProPublica both report that AT&T and the NSA have long shared a working relationship that is much closer than most people previously imagined.

In what one classified document termed a “highly collaborative” relationship, AT&T employed a number of varying methods to help the NSA acquire an incomprehensible amount of data.

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Comcast admits its 300GB data cap serves no technical purpose

%name Comcast admits its 300GB data cap serves no technical purpose by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Say what you will about Comcast and their customer service, but the company does provide the fastest internet speeds amongst all nationwide ISPs. As we highlighted earlier this month, Comcast Xfinity delivers an average download speed of 104Mbps alongside an average upload speed of 12.7Mbps.

That’s great and all, but with Comcast simultaneously implementing a rigid 300 GB data cap on its users, the company has naturally been accused of teasing users with download speeds that can quickly eat into the 300 GB threshold and subsequently result in fines for going over.

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Apple’s Magic Mouse and wireless keyboard are finally getting some interesting upgrades

%name Apple’s Magic Mouse and wireless keyboard are finally getting some interesting upgrades by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Originally spotted by Slashgear, two new FCC listings reveal that Apple has plans to release updated versions of its Magic Mouse and wireless keyboard in the coming months. Likely slated for release alongside new iMac models later this fall, upcoming improvements to Apple’s Magic Mouse and wireless keyboard will do away with Bluetooth 2.1 and instead feature support for Bluetooth 4.2.

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