Watch the Xbox Gamescom 2015 press conference live stream right here at 10AM ET

%name Watch the Xbox Gamescom 2015 press conference live stream right here at 10AM ET by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Despite the enormous size and scale of E3, video game companies simply can’t fit everything into a single show. That’s why it’s always worth paying attention when Cologne, Germany hosts Gamescom — Europe’s largest gaming trade fair.

It’s basically a second E3, and on Tuesday at 10 a.m. ET, Microsoft will kick off the show with a live streamed briefing showcasing both games we saw earlier this summer and debuting new games for the very first time.

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Jon Stewart bids farewell to Fox News by torching them one last time

%name Jon Stewart bids farewell to Fox News by torching them one last time by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Jon Stewart will be missed by millions of people… but likely not by Fox News, the cable news network that has been a frequent target of Stewart’s derision. Stewart on Monday kicked off his final week as host of The Daily Show by doing what he’s done so well over the past 17 years: He torched Fox News for perhaps the final time.

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EFF creates a stronger ‘Do Not Track’ standard to stop unwanted tracking once and for all

%name EFF creates a stronger ‘Do Not Track’ standard to stop unwanted tracking once and for all by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Unless you take some fairly serious steps to guard your privacy, at least some of your web browsing each day is being tracked. We promise. Advertisers stand to make big bucks by learning as much as possible about our browsing habits, and precious little can stop them. In fact, as we learned several years ago, webgoers can’t even use the “Do Not Track” setting available in popular browsers to guard their privacy, because many advertisers still secretly track users either way.

Useless though “Do Not Track” may be, don’t despair. While virtual private networks might be the safest way to browse today, the protectors of the Internet over at the Electronic Frontier Foundation have announced the creation of a new, more effective Do Not Track feature that will actually stop advertisers from spying on people without their knowledge.

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Hackers exploit Flash in one of the largest malware attacks in recent history

%name Hackers exploit Flash in one of the largest malware attacks in recent history by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

In case it wasn’t clear yet, Adobe’s Flash isn’t exactly the safest tool for delivering Internet content. Hackers are already more than aware of the software’s security issues and are happy to exploit them for various malicious purposes. That’s exactly what happened in late July when hackers used Flash to infect Yahoo websites with malware in what has been described as one of the largest malvertising attacks seen in the recent months.

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Watch Simon Pegg rank all six Star Wars movies in under a minute

%name Watch Simon Pegg rank all six Star Wars movies in under a minute by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Actor Simon Pegg will be appearing in Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens and he was recently asked by MTV to rank every single Star Wars movie that’s come before it. As a bonafide Star Wars fan, Pegg had no problem ranking the all six movies from worst to best in just under 60 seconds, as you’ll see in the video below.

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It’s almost impossible to stop Google and Facebook from knowing about your health-related searches

%name It’s almost impossible to stop Google and Facebook from knowing about your health related searches by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Keeping Google and Facebook from knowing about your health-related Internet searches is not easy. SciLogs directs our attention to a new study conducted by Tim Libert at the Annenberg School for Communication that found “91% of health-related pages relay the URL to third parties, often unbeknownst to the user, and in 70% of the cases, the URL contains sensitive information such as ‘HIV’ or ‘cancer’ which is sufficient to tip off these third parties that you have been searching for information related to a specific disease.”

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No, seriously: This is the worst idea for a movie ever

%name No, seriously: This is the worst idea for a movie ever by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

We all know that major studios for the past several decades have been utterly lacking in imagination when it comes to signing off on potential blockbuster films. It seems like every major summer movie released is based on a comic book, an old television show or is a revival of an older franchise. Never, however, have I felt the unmitigated sense of horror that I just experienced when I found out that some studio is actually making a Pez movie.

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John Oliver explains why Washington D.C. should be its own state

%name John Oliver explains why Washington D.C. should be its own state by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Hysterical, curse-laden and surprisingly informative — these are the traits we’ve come to expect from John Oliver’s main stories on Last Week Tonight.

He’s taught us about the intricacies of the FIFA scandal, he’s shaken his head at the mountains of food Americans waste every year, and this week, he’s reminding us all how silly it is that the District of Columbia has such limited voting rights.

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