Apple’s iPhone 6s is almost here… time to take out the trash

%name Apple’s iPhone 6s is almost here… time to take out the trash by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

It’s only Monday morning and I’ve already found what is unquestionably the stupidest thing you’ll read this week. Not surprisingly, it focuses on Apple. Why isn’t that a surprise? Because tech writers the world over love making ridiculous contrarian claims about Apple’s products in an effort to stir up commotion and drum up clicks, regardless of how hollow and flat-out stupid their arguments are.

Well congratulations, Boston Herald, it worked. But since I clicked, hopefully my readers won’t have to.

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This is the heart-pounding ‘Batman v Superman’ trailer you’ve been waiting for

%name This is the heart pounding ‘Batman v Superman’ trailer you’ve been waiting for by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Zack Snyder’s 2013 reimagining of Superman was a fantastic movie. Man of Steel hit all the right notes, and audiences around the world loved it. This is why it was so troubling to learn that the sequel was going to be a bizarre intertwining of the Superman storyline with Batman. And why it was even more troubling to learn that Ben Affleck would play Batman.

After watching the new Batman v Superman trailer released this past weekend at Comic-Con, however, we’re singing an entirely different tune.

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Comcast has a TV streaming package for cord cutters and I can’t stop laughing at how bad it is

%name Comcast has a TV streaming package for cord cutters and I can’t stop laughing at how bad it is by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Comcast knows that kids these days love their hippity-hop and their crazy smartyphones. It also knows that they love cord cutting, a newfangled way of watching TV that doesn’t involve forking over hundreds of dollars every month for a cable package. To show the world that it’s just as hip as Netflix, Comcast has unveiled a new TV streaming package called Stream that costs $15 per month and is also nearly pointless. We’ll explain why below.

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Apple is playing safe 12.9-inch iPad Pro launch, new report says

%name Apple is playing safe 12.9 inch iPad Pro launch, new report says by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

A bigger, 12.9-inch iPad Pro has been in the making quite a while, according to various rumors. However, Apple kept delaying the launch though a new story says the bigger iOS tablet is coming at some point after mid-November. The company is supposedly preparing for mass-producing the device though suppliers say Apple is actually playing it safe with 12.9-inch iPad orders.

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Huge trailer leak: Watch the first ‘Suicide Squad’ teaser right here

%name Huge trailer leak: Watch the first ‘Suicide Squad’ teaser right here by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

With Comic-Con in full swing last week it’s no wonder that the first teaser trailer of an upcoming superhero movie has been leaked, after being shown for the first time ever during the event. Technically, the movie is about villains who are selected to save the world – in case you haven’t guessed it so far, we’re talking about Suicide Squad, which will hit theaters next year.

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Sorry WSJ, but Apple killing of the Mac is a laughably bad idea

%name Sorry WSJ, but Apple killing of the Mac is a laughably bad idea by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

A few weeks ago, Christopher Mims of The Wall Street Journal penned a bizarre and and borderline-embarrassing op/ed arguing that Apple should abandon its Mac business entirely. The reasoning? Apple should ostensibly “focus on products that represent the future.”

Perhaps appreciating the shaky foundation upon which his arguments lie, Mims’ piece begins with a plea for to readers to “indulge” him. Not surprisingly, what ultimately follows is nothing more than an exercise in absurdity.

I was reminded of Mims’ piece yesterday in light of reports that the entire PC market, save for Apple, is imploding. While every PC manufacturer on the planet is experiencing a year over year decline in growth, Apple’s Mac business is actually growing. In light of that, I thought it was worth re-visiting Mims’ piece in an effort to show why the Mac remains an ongoing, integral, and strategic part of Apple’s business and bottom line.

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