Customize your PS4 and PS Vita with themes in the next major updates

%name Customize your PS4 and PS Vita with themes in the next major updates by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The success of the PlayStation 4 in the international market has been well-documented, but that doesn’t mean Sony’s latest home console is without its own unique flaws. In our review last fall, we noted that the app stream on the dashboard was going to become problematic as the PS4’s library began to expand, yet Sony still hasn’t found a way to address the issue in any of its recent updates. In the meantime, the company plans to distract us with dashboard themes.

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Don’t worry, GTA V is still coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC this fall

%name Don’t worry, GTA V is still coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC this fall by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

One of the most anticipated next-gen titles of the holiday season is already out… but just not on the platforms we want it. Rockstar Games announced at E3 2014 that Grand Theft Auto V would be making the transition to the PS4, Xbox One and PC this fall, but three months later, we haven’t heard or seen any new signs of the highly anticipated port. Rumors began to spread that GTA V might be delayed, but Rockstar wants to ensure fans that the game is still on track.

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Why Beats headphones are so ridiculously overpriced

%name Why Beats headphones are so ridiculously overpriced by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Beats headphones aren’t exactly beloved in the audiophile community and yet Dr. Dre’s company still gets away with charging an obscene $300 per pair for its Beats Studio Headphones. Why? A new MKBHD video that went viral over the weekend does a nice job of breaking things down: Basically, Beats can get away with charging so much more for its headphones thanks to the magic of branding.

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4 hilariously awful Kickstarters that you will not believe are real

%name 4 hilariously awful Kickstarters that you will not believe are real by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Kickstarter has become a wonderful way to watch hilariously deluded people fail to achieve their completely ridiculous dreams. Thanks to the dedicated crew at Reddit’s /r/shittykickstarters community, we’ve found for more incredible anti-gems for you to check out that will hopefully never find enough suckers to get successfully funded.

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This iPhone case makes it easier than ever for thieves to steal your ATM PIN

%name This iPhone case makes it easier than ever for thieves to steal your ATM PIN by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

In light of this weekend’s massive celebrity photo leak, mobile security is bound to be a major topic of discussion in the weeks to come. How can we keep our private data safe if actors and actresses whose lives often revolve around keeping things private are this vulnerable? With the amount of information we store on our phones, in our email, in cloud storage, we’re always going to be at risk, but there are ways that hackers can get private data from us without accessing any of our devices.

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Awesome Android keyboard coming to iOS 8 to make your iPhone 6 seem even bigger

%name Awesome Android keyboard coming to iOS 8 to make your iPhone 6 seem even bigger by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

One of the most interesting features of iOS 8 – at least to some potential iPhone buyers – is support for third-party keyboards, which Apple is ready to introduce for the first time ever. Once iOS 8 is officially released following the iPhone 6 announcement next week, various third-party keyboards will likely be launched in the App Store, including one particular app that’s already popular on Android devices.

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Leak reveals HTC Nexus 9 launch details and accessories

%name Leak reveals HTC Nexus 9 launch details and accessories by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Google’s upcoming Nexus 9 tablet is yet to be confirmed, but the high-end HTC-made tablet keeps appearing in more and more reports. Also known as Volantis, Flounder or HTC T1, the device is expected to arrive in the coming months, likely alongside a new Nexus smartphone in time for the Android L launch. Meanwhile, @upleaks, who has provided many Nexus 9 details in the past, has posted more details about the device’s launch, listing some accessories for the tablet in the process.

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You HAVE to see this: Drone captures amazing bird’s-eye view video of Apple’s new spaceship campus

%name You HAVE to see this: Drone captures amazing birds eye view video of Apples new spaceship campus by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

We’ve all seen photos of the new spaceship-like headquarters Apple is building in Cupertino, California right now, but none of us have seen it quite like this. YouTube user “jmcminn” last week posted a video he shot using a DJI Phantom 2 “drone” equipped with a GoPro Hero 3+ video camera. The video gives us the first bird’s-eye view of Apple’s Campus 2, which is currently under construction in Cupertino.

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Would you pay $400 for an iWatch?

%name Would you pay $400 for an iWatch? by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Given how not-so-well most smartwatches have sold so far, Apple would have to be crazy to charge $400 for the iWatch unless it brought something truly new to the table… right? Re/code’s sources say that Apple execs “have discussed charging around $400 for the company’s new wearable device” although that’s apparently just one of many price points under consideration for different device types.

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