Former Bitcoin coder and ALS patient is now being cryonically frozen

%name Former Bitcoin coder and ALS patient is now being cryonically frozen by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Renowned cryptographer Hal Finney, known for his work on PGP encryption software and on early Bitcoin development, has passed away on Thursday following a five-year battle with ALS – a terrible disease that’s currently enjoying a viral funding campaign thanks to the “Ice Bucket Challenge” meme – but the programmer hoped that one day technology will heal him. According to Wired, Finney has become an early adopter of a kind of tech that’s only seen in movies, human cryopreservation.

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Netflix says it lost customers thanks to slow streaming on Comcast

%name Netflix says it lost customers thanks to slow streaming on Comcast by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Why did Netflix decide to cave in and pay Comcast for a better direct connection to its network? Because apparently slow Netflix streaming on Comcast was costing the company customers. CNN reports that Netflix this week explained to the Federal Communications Commission that the quality of Netflix streams on Comcast had become so poor that the company had no choice but to pay up for a better connection.

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Samsung pits the Galaxy Tab S against the iPad Air in latest ad

%name Samsung pits the Galaxy Tab S against the iPad Air in latest ad by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Samsung’s latest tablet, the Galaxy Tab S, is one impressive piece of hardware. It’s received rave reviews from the press, consumers seem to love it and it even outclasses the iPad in many respects. In order to prove that last point, Samsung took to the streets of New York with an iPad Air and a Galaxy Tab S to see which device the average consumer would choose.

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Microsoft might be interested in acquiring the most popular custom Android build ever

%name Microsoft might be interested in acquiring the most popular custom Android build ever by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Many Android users unhappy with what the mobile operating system has to offer have looked at various custom ROMs based on Google’s latest OS version that offered additional tools to improve their overall mobile experience. CyanogenMod is one such Android-based build that become so popular in recent years that its founder decided to turn it into a business, Cyanogen Inc. That company is apparently now tracked by various tech industry giants that are highly interested in the mobile business, The Information has learned, including Microsoft.

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The Xbox One update you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived

%name The Xbox One update you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The Xbox One and PlayStation 4 have been incredibly successful up to this point, but there’s no question that the new consoles would have benefitted greatly from a little more time in development before launch. By lacking a few key features, both consoles felt unfinished, but Microsoft has been hard at work getting the Xbox One up to speed. The latest update might be the most significant one yet.

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Nokia just released a huge update for its innovative Android app

%name Nokia just released a huge update for its innovative Android app by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

On June 19th of this year, Nokia was reborn. The company that had been known for years as a cell phone pioneer had sold off its devices business, and the world was waiting to see what new paths Nokia might take. There are a few, as it turns out, but one of them saw the company release a surprisingly innovative new Android app this past summer, and it just got a big update that users will love.

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Samsung just released another new teaser video for the Galaxy Note 4

Samsung can’t wait to unveil the Galaxy Note 4, one of the most anticipated handsets of the second half of the year. The company has proven its eagerness with the numerous Galaxy Note 4 video teasers the company posted on YouTube in the last few days. After highlighting S-Pen features in a few videos, a unique selling point for the Galaxy Note phablet family, and telling various stories of happy Galaxy Note users, Samsung has released one more Galaxy Note 4 teaser with a few days to go until its official announcement.

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The Galaxy Note didn’t ‘kill’ the iPhone… but it may be hurting the iPad

%name The Galaxy Note didn’t ‘kill’ the iPhone… but it may be hurting the iPad by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

It has been clear for a year that tablet market growth has been slowing down a lot faster than anyone expected. But nevertheless, the latest IDC numbers are a stiff shock. The firm’s previous forecast for 12% tablet sales growth this year was already really low considering how hot the growth was as recently as in 2013, when the segment expanded by more than 50%. But now IDC has cut its projection in half, as the brand-new estimate for 2014 global tablet sales growth is a pitiful 6.5%. What’s even more stunning is that no growth is expected to take place in North America and Europe during this year.

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Sorry, Google – Samsung’s Galaxy phones really need to see other maps

%name Sorry, Google – Samsung’s Galaxy phones really need to see other maps by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

A new episode in the complex GoogleSamsung love affair was written on Friday, as Nokia announced that its Here maps service will be available free of charge (via a licensing agreement) to Samsung Galaxy handset owners. Samsung inked this exclusive deal with Nokia even though Galaxy handset users already have access to one of the best mapping products in the world, Google’s own Google Maps.

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