This is the phone Sony will launch to take on Apple’s iPhone 6

%name This is the phone Sony will launch to take on Apple’s iPhone 6 by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

After several years of complete and total domination by Samsung and Apple, a handful of rival device makers are finally starting to see some gains in the global smartphone market. Huawei and Lenovo have experienced some solid growth in recent quarters, and up and comer Xiaomi is among a handful of smaller Asian companies seeing big gains in that region. Meanwhile, Sony has continued to struggle despite launching several solid smartphones over the past couple of years.

The fall and the coming holiday shopping season are expected to be the hottest period in Apple’s storied history, with a record holiday quarter expected on the back of the iPhone 6, 5.5-inch iPhone phablet and iWatch. To combat the new iPhone 6, which is widely expected to quickly become the best-selling smartphone of all time, Sony plans to release a new flagship phone of its own — and the clearest photos we’ve seen of that new handset so far have just leaked.

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It looks like Apple’s iWatch may come with a painful compromise

%name It looks like Apple’s iWatch may come with a painful compromise by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Despite the fact that the iWatch represents Apple’s first dive into an “exciting new product category” since it unleashed the original iPad back in 2010, the new device isn’t Apple’s most hotly anticipated launch this fall. In fact, it likely falls into the No. 3 spot behind the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 and the 5.5-inch iPhone phablet. Consumers and investors alike are still waiting anxiously to see Apple’s take on wrist-worn wearables, but a new report suggests that the company may have been forced to forgo its typical no-compromise approach to mobile devices, and the result could be a big letdown for users.

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Microsoft thinks you’ll pay $150 for something you didn’t want to spend $100 on

%name Microsoft thinks you’ll pay $150 for something you didn’t want to spend $100 on by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

One of the smartest moves Microsoft made this year was unbundling the Kinect from the Xbox One. The Kinect is an intriguing device, but lacking significant support from virtually every game released on the Xbox One up to this point, gamers in the market for a new console saw the $500 price tag and decided to take their chances with the PlayStation 4 instead. Sales picked up though once the Xbox One dropped to $400 and now Microsoft is finally ready to reintroduce the Kinect as a separate product.

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This $33 smartphone is the first-generation iPhone of 2014

%name This $33 smartphone is the first generation iPhone of 2014 by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Earlier this week, Mozilla unveiled its first-ever low-end smartphone for customers in India: the Intex Cloud FX. At just $33, the Firefox OS device is one of the cheapest smartphones on the market, but how do its specifications stand up to other cheap phones in emerging markets? The Cloud FX is clearly not meant to compete with the Galaxy S5 or the iPhone 5s, but there is one Apple handset it might be able to go toe-to-toe with.

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Here comes the iWatch: First Apple wearable computer reportedly set for September 9th reveal

%name Here comes the iWatch: First Apple wearable computer reportedly set for September 9th reveal by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

While we still don’t know when Apple will release its first-ever wearable computer, it now seems likely that we’ll at least get our first look at it next month. Re/code’s John Paczkowski, who also was the first to report on the iPhone 6’s grand September 9th unveiling, now reports that Apple is going to announce a wearable computer of some kind alongside the iPhone 6 at the same event.

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Samsung continues to explain how hard it is to make an iPhone 6 ‘killer’

%name Samsung continues to explain how hard it is to make an iPhone 6 ‘killer’ by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

After explaining a few days ago how hard it is to make an iPhone 6 “killer”the partially metallic Galaxy Alpha is considered Samsung’s response to the incoming 4.7-inch iPhone 6 – Samsung is back with more marketing nonsense in a second post on the company’s blog that further explains the way Samsung designed this new phone.

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How to guarantee you get today’s trade-in value for your phone even after the iPhone 6 launches

%name How to guarantee you get today’s trade in value for your phone even after the iPhone 6 launches by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

While months of leaks and rumors have painted what appears to be a very extensive picture of what we can expect from Apple’s upcoming iPhone 6, nothing is certain until the next-generation iPhone is finally unveiled on stage early next month. Well, almost nothing is certain.

There are a few things we know beyond the shadow of a doubt, and one of them is the fact that there will be a massive influx of used smartphones being sold and traded in as people upgrade to the new iPhone 6. All those trade-ins inevitably drive used phone values down, but as it turns out, there is a simple way to guarantee that you get today’s higher value for your current smartphone even if you don’t trade it in until after the iPhone 6 debuts next month.

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Next-gen iPad Air rear shell shown up close in major new leak

%name Next gen iPad Air rear shell shown up close in major new leak by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The next-generation iPad Air isn’t generating nearly as much hype as the upcoming iPhone 6 but it’s still nice to see Apple-releated leaks every now and then that have nothing to do with the company’s next flagship smartphone. has gotten its hands on some newly leaked pictures of the next-generation iPad Air that show us the new tablet’s rear shell up close.

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Phone scams cost Americans $8.6 billion last year – here’s how to protect yourself

%name Phone scams cost Americans $8.6 billion last year – here’s how to protect yourself by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Truecaller, which bills itself as the world’s largest verified mobile phone community, on Wednesday released the results of a new survey that helps shed light on how serious a problem phone scams are in the United States. According to the company’s findings, approximately 17.6 million Americans were scammed out of an estimated $8.6 billion in 2013 alone, with 7% of respondents having lost an average of $488.80 each due to scam calls.

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