Google just threw Barnes and Noble a lifeline in its battle with Amazon

%name Google just threw Barnes and Noble a lifeline in its battle with Amazon by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

In 2011, Amazon announced that for the first time ever, eBook sales had finally exceeded print sales in the United States. This wasn’t quite the death knell of the brick-and-mortar book store, but it was clear in which direction the audience had begun to shift. Now, right on the heels of the unveiling of Kindle Unlimited, Google and Barnes & Noble have announced they will be joining forces to deliver physical copies of books to your home on the same day you order them.

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Sony to challenge the Galaxy Note 4 with new Xperia Z beast of its own

%name Sony to challenge the Galaxy Note 4 with new Xperia Z beast of its own by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Samsung has already announced a September 3rd media event in Berlin, clearly hinting that it’ll announce the Galaxy Note 4 on that occasion, but Sony is apparently interested to ruining Samsung’s announcement with a press event of its own. A Sony invite for a press conference also scheduled for September 3rd in Berlin has been posted online by Taiwanese site ePrice, revealing that Sony has quite a few announcements in mind for the upcoming German trade show.

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Apple and Google alums team up to create a wearable gadget new parents will love

%name Apple and Google alums team up to create a wearable gadget new parents will love by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Sproutling is a new, interesting wearable device for babies that should help anxious moms and dads better monitor their newborn babies at all times. However, before you rush off to buy one, you should know that the Sproutling has to be worn all the time by your baby to deliver results. And just like other wearable devices, this tiny gadget wirelessly connects to the iPhone to display information about the newest addition to your family (Android support is coming in early 2015).

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EA’s awesome Xbox One subscription service just keeps getting better

%name EA’s awesome Xbox One subscription service just keeps getting better by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

EA shocked everyone last week with the introduction of EA Access, a subscription service for Xbox One that offers discounts on EA games, early access to unreleased titles and a selection of free games for members. It all seemed to good to be true, especially coming from the company that unleashed the nightmarish Dungeon Keeper and the similarly awful Sim City relaunch onto the world, but as EA shares more details about the new service, it just keeps sounding better.

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CLICK HERE to see a bunch of ridiculous Nintendo facts you never knew about, including Yoshi’s ‘real’ name!

%name CLICK HERE to see a bunch of ridiculous Nintendo facts you never knew about, including Yoshis real name! by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Nintendo has survived as long as it has, through thick and thin, on the strength of its characters — a group of plumbers, princesses, puffballs and emotive animals who have persisted from console generation to console generation since the 1980s. In all this time, you think we’d know all there was to know about Mario and his friends, but the Mushroom Kingdom holds many secrets, as Console Wars author Blake J. Harris has recently uncovered.

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Leaked pics give us our first look at Microsoft’s ‘selfie phone’

%name Leaked pics give us our first look at Microsoft’s ‘selfie phone’ by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The release of the next Nokia devices might not be too far off. Windows Phone Central has obtained photos of what appears to be the Lumia 730, or the ‘selfie’ phone, which is reportedly going to be the follow-up to last year’s Lumia 720. It has been said that the standout feature of the new phone will be its 5-megapixel front-facing camera for taking some of the highest quality selfies on any Windows Phone device to date.

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What Microsoft’s new CEO really has up his sleeve

%name What Microsoft’s new CEO really has up his sleeve by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

A lot of people we talk with who only follow consumer electronics news are always surprised to learn that Microsoft is still a gigantically profitable company. After all, they reckon, Windows 8 is hugely polarizing, Windows Phone is nowhere, the Surface is a money-losing flop and even the Xbox One has been running a distant second in console sales compared to Sony’s PlayStation 4. Given all these high-profile stumbles, it is fair to ask: Just why isn’t Microsoft falling apart at the seams?

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A 13-year old just came up with the perfect anti-trolling weapon

%name A 13 year old just came up with the perfect anti trolling weapon by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The Internet is filled with many trolls, and one young scientist has figured out how to stop them… some of the time, at least. Trisha Prabhu is just 13 years old, but she already has a study that got her a spot in Google’s 15 Global Science Fair finalists, and it’s quite an interesting one. Prabhu wants to put a stop to cyber-bullying by making teens and tweens rethink the things they want to post online that may be hurtful to others. In short, she’s appealing to their conscience to prevent annoying messages from being posted online.

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