Let’s never speak again: The incredible benefits of searchable text

%name Let’s never speak again: The incredible benefits of searchable text by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

I could, in theory, phone everyone up that’s reading this story and convey this message to them via voice. I’m in no position to argue the merits of vocal interactions, and indeed, we all owe a great deal to Alexander Graham Bell and the invention of the first practical telephone. But we’re beyond that now. The power of the Internet is too great to encapsulate in a single article, but I’ve been relying on it more heavily than usual of late. As I slide into a new home, I’m faced with all sorts of quandaries. DIY projects abound, curiosities need sating, and in general, I’m finding myself thirsty for knowledge in an area that I’m somewhat unfamiliar with.

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HUGE MYSTERY SOLVED: Here’s why your cable guy never shows up on time

%name HUGE MYSTERY SOLVED: Heres why your cable guy never shows up on time by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Now we know why Comcast’s customer service is so terrible — basically, Comcast puts enormous pressure on its employees to upsell its customers on more expensive services while putting significantly less pressure on them to resolve customer problems effectively. And now The Verge has written a new report that seemingly solves the mystery of why Comcast’s technicians almost never show up on time, and unsurprisingly it’s because Comcast has once again decided that its bottom line is more important than delivering good service.

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This is your chance to ask Facebook to pay you $500 in exchange for your personal data

%name This is your chance to ask Facebook to pay you $500 in exchange for your personal data by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Even though Facebook is very useful when it comes to staying connected with friends, spying on your ex, and pretending you’re awfully happy with your life, the social network isn’t letting you do this for charity — rather, it’s vacuuming up as much information about you as it can to sell better ads. Facebook is willing to go pretty far to get all the information it can about you and it doesn’t have a spotless track record when it comes to observing the privacy of its customers. However, a new class action suit that started in Austria is inviting international Facebook users to join in and demand that Facebook fork over cash in exchange for using our personal data.

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Is Microsoft already getting ready for another big Xbox One price cut?

%name Is Microsoft already getting ready for another big Xbox One price cut? by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Based on a recent update to the Spanish version of Xbox.com on mobile browsers, the Xbox One might be receiving a $50 price cut in the near future. NeoGAF user Hydragyrus was the first to point out the message on the Spanish webpage, which shows a picture of the Xbox One with the message “Ahora desde 349,99 €” (Now from 349,99 €) beneath it. A hashtag for #xboxgamescom also appears on the page, indicating that Microsoft might be saving the announcement for its press conference at the Cologne trade show on August 12th.

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Microsoft may do the unthinkable to make you dump XP, Vista and Windows 7

%name Microsoft may do the unthinkable to make you dump XP, Vista and Windows 7 by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Windows is one of Microsoft’s main money makers, and the company is interested in seeing as many current Windows users move to its latest operating system as possible. However, no matter what the company does, there still are plenty of users who are on older Windows versions, including Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. ZDNet has learned that Microsoft may be working on a huge Windows 9 surprise to convince reluctant users to finally move to the latest Windows operating system available.

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Samsung just got itself sued by another iconic tech giant

%name Samsung just got itself sued by another iconic tech giant by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Even though Microsoft isn’t making any popular Android devices of its own, the giant Windows maker is still milking a lot of cash from Android device sales, as the company inked more than a few licensing agreements with all sorts of OEMs that sell Android smartphones and tablets for a living. According to existing reports, Microsoft is reportedly making over $2 billion a year from those licensing deals, and the number could go up to $8.8 billion a year by 2017. However, Samsung, the most important Android device maker doesn’t want to pay the bills anymore, and, unsurprisingly, Microsoft took legal action against the South Korean corporation.

Read more here: Boy Genius Report