Relive the past 7 years of Marvel movies in this incredible 5 minute video

%name Relive the past 7 years of Marvel movies in this incredible 5 minute video by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

When Iron Man landed in theaters in 2008, we had no idea what we were in for. Seven years and several billion dollars later, The Avengers have changed the landscape of cinema — and that’s putting it lightly. With this weekend’s release of Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel is taking a bold step by introducing an unknown group of space vigilantes to the masses.

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Why movies look awful on your brand new expensive TV – and how to fix them

%name Why movies look awful on your brand new expensive TV – and how to fix them by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

So you bought a brand new, expensive LCD TV and now you sit down to binge-watch your favorite show only to find it looks… totally different than it usually does? There’s nothing wrong with the TV or the content you’re watching, Wired explains, although sometimes there can be issues with those things, too. The TV has a built-in feature that turns Hollywood movies in a soap opera-like video mode that makes things look like they have been recorded in a different century.

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Google’s awesome Google Now Launcher is finally ready to take over your non-Nexus phone

%name Google’s awesome Google Now Launcher is finally ready to take over your non Nexus phone by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

One of the best features Google brought to KitKat devices is the brand new Google Now Launcher, a Google Search-infused product that should improve users’ search experiences as well as Google’s bottom line, since search is how the company generates revenue. Up until now, that launcher wasn’t officially compatible with any Android handsets and tablets other than Nexus models and Google Play Edition (GPE) devices, although daring Android users were able to install it on many other devices.

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Forget killing business cards – SwivelCard rockets them into the digital age

%name Forget killing business cards – SwivelCard rockets them into the digital age by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

For years, we’ve been told that various technologies were going to render business cards obsolete. NFC-enabled smartphones, apps that let you bump two devices together even without NFC to exchange contact details, and plenty more have come and gone, and yet we still carry cards and hand them out when we need to exchange info.

Since business cards don’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon, one company has decided to give them a much-needed digital update instead of trying to kill them off.

Meet the SwivelCard.

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Is Nokia getting back into the phone market with Android?

%name Is Nokia getting back into the phone market with Android? by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Ever since Microsoft acquired Nokia’s devices and services business, we’ve been waiting to see how the future of Nokia’s hardware strategy will play out. The Nokia X line of heavily modified Android devices looked like it might be the end of the line for Nokia as a phone maker, but an abundance of recent job listings on LinkedIn seem to indicate otherwise.

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This unexpectedly gorgeous Moto 360 rival comes from a surprising source

%name This unexpectedly gorgeous Moto 360 rival comes from a surprising source by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

There’s a lot of hype around the upcoming Moto 360 smartwatch, as Motorola was the first Android Wear device maker to come up with an awesome gadget that uses the most basic watch design lines – not to worry though, Samsung plans to quickly follow with a round smartwatch, even if it takes a few trial runs to get the new smartwatch model right. However, while the Gear watchmaker is patenting round smartwatches, a different company – one you’d never expect to come out with such a device – is working on an unbelievably gorgeous Moto 360 rival, Engadget has discovered.

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These 5 handy iPhone tricks will stop email from driving you crazy

%name These 5 handy iPhone tricks will stop email from driving you crazy by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Many people think they’ve figured out email, and how to better manage it, but email is still a big problem that needs fixing. While there are plenty of interesting ways of dealing with email on a mobile device, and many awesome apps that claim they know how to make email a more pleasant experience, Business Insider has put together a short video showing how five iPhone tricks could help you better stay on top of your email using the default iOS email application.

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The case against Windows Phone

%name The case against Windows Phone by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Ahead of its launch in 2010, Windows Phone looked like a unique and exciting platform that might propel Microsoft back into contention in the mobile space. Now, nearly four years later, Microsoft’s mobile operating system appears to be nearing the end of the line, struggling to pick up the scraps left behind by Google’s Android platform and Apple’s iOS. Is there any hope left for Windows Phone, or is the end in sight?

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10 of the best Android launchers on the planet

%name 10 of the best Android launchers on the planet by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The iOS vs. Android debate will rage on for several more years until one or both of these great mobile platforms are no longer leaders. Until then, we can expect enthusiastic fans to continue making the same tired arguments ad nauseam. Just because arguments are old and boring doesn’t mean they’re always incorrect, however, and the point that Android fans repeatedly make about their platform’s flexibility is a valid one.

There is perhaps no better way to illustrate Android’s flexibility than with a compilation of awesome launcher apps.

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