This could be the final nail in the Sprint-T-Mobile merger’s coffin

%name This could be the final nail in the Sprint T Mobile merger’s coffin by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The merger between Sprint and T-Mobile always faced a major uphill climb since U.S. regulators really weren’t keen on the idea of letting the wireless industry consolidate even further. And now a new report from The Wall Street Journal indicates that Sprint parent company SoftBank may no longer be the only company willing to shell out big bucks for America’s crappy “Uncarrier.”

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Ryan Seacrest’s ‘BlackBerry killer’ copycat keyboard is back from the dead

%name Ryan Seacrest’s ‘BlackBerry killer’ copycat keyboard is back from the dead by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

You can’t keep a good copycat down. CrackBerry brings us word that Ryan Seacrest’s Typo has just unveiled a new keyboard attachment that it hopes is different enough from BlackBerry’s keyboards to avoid getting slapped with injunctions. The first-generation Typo was such a blatant BlackBerry knockoff that it never really stood a chance in court and was immediately hit with preliminary sales ban earlier this year.

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Korea’s worst baseball team builds robot fans to cheer demoralized players

%name Korea’s worst baseball team builds robot fans to cheer demoralized players by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

When a baseball team hits a slump, it can feel insurmountable at times. It doesn’t help when the fan base isn’t there to support the team either, which was the case for the Hanwha Eagles, a South Korean team which has lost more than 400 times in the last five season, consistently coming in last in their league, reports ABC News. Now that the fans have all but given up on their hometown Eagles, the team is making it easier than ever to show support without actually having to sit through another tragic loss with an ingenious solution: robot fans.

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Sweet app brings one of Apple’s best new software features to your Android phone

%name Sweet app brings one of Apple’s best new software features to your Android phone by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

One of the best software features Apple introduced at WWDC 2014 is Handoff, a neat trick that will allow users who own both an iOS 8 device and a Yosemite Mac seamlessly move between devices while using the same supported app. For example, with continuity, Apple will let users send and receive SMS and MMS messages, and making a phone call directly from a Mac through an iPhone that happens to be really close by. Luckily for Android users there’s an app that brings some of that functionality to their Macs and/or Windows PCs.

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The one thing that Tim Cook really needs to do better

%name The one thing that Tim Cook really needs to do better by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Unlike a lot of pundits and analysts, I actually think Tim Cook has done a very good job of running Apple. The company is still insanely profitable and Apple customers’ loyalty has shown no signs of waning. Granted, he’s not Steve Jobs, but that’s not a bad thing because he’s shown that he’s very skilled at getting a bunch of very talented people with very big egos to work together effectively as a team — not an easy feat when you consider how a post-Jobs Apple could have easily turned into one giant turf war.

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This is one iOS 8 feature you’ll absolutely love

%name This is one iOS 8 feature you’ll absolutely love by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Apple’s iOS 8 will ship with a bunch of new features and improvements, including a way for apps to communicate between each other to share data, which is something Apple has not supported in the past. One app that will make use of Apple’s iOS 8 extension feature is the popular password manager 1Password, which will make logging into websites in other apps and web services even easier than before.

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Sprint again shows why it’s America’s worst wireless carrier

%name Sprint again shows why it’s America’s worst wireless carrier by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Amazing but true — Sprint’s “Framily” ad campaign has done little to stop subscribers from fleeing in droves. The Un-uncarrier last quarter reported losing another 245,000 contract subscribers and now it’s fallen behind T-Mobile and is now America’s fourth-largest wireless carrier. And how’s T-Mobile doing? Over the same period this year it added 1.5 million net customers, including a hugely impressive 579,000 branded postpaid subscribers. And as BTIG analyst Walter Piecyk points out, T-Mobile’s wireless service revenue grew by 8.1% last quarter while Sprint’s fell by 6.3%.

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How to fix one of iOS 7.1’s most annoying bugs

%name How to fix one of iOS 7.1’s most annoying bugs by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

IOS 7.1 was a fantastic update for Apple’s mobile operating system, bringing with it plenty of bug fixes and refinements that were absent in the initial iOS 7 update. Apple’s huge iOS 7 release, as you’ll surely recall, was all about renovating the look of the iOS platform, and it was a bit raw when it first launched. There are still some annoying bugs that crept through in the latest version of iOS 7.1, however, and now there’s a simple fix for one of the most annoying ones out there.

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