Incredible new map is like Google Street View, but with drone footage

%name Incredible new map is like Google Street View, but with drone footage by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Google Street View is one of the greatest things about Google Maps. With it, users can see actual 3D imagery of locations they plan to visit, giving people a way to see exactly where they’re headed before they trek out to a new destination. Beyond that, it gives users a way to explore places around the world, albeit virtually, that they might otherwise never have had the opportunity to see. A new website called TravelByDrone takes things a step further, however, providing users with videos containing drone-filmed aerial footage from all over the world that is just a click away.

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GALAXY NOTE 4 LEAK: Note 4’s release timeframe may have just been revealed!

%name GALAXY NOTE 4 LEAK: Note 4s release timeframe may have just been revealed! by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Samsung’s Galaxy Note 4 is primed to be one of the highest quality smartphones the company has ever produced, and now reports are coming in that it might see a release shortly before the iPhone 6. According to ET News, the Galaxy Note 4 was rushed into production after the Galaxy S5 underperformed during its launch window, forcing Samsung to rethink its strategy for the rest of the year.

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iPhone 6 makes Apple the biggest client of the world’s top chip supplier

%name iPhone 6 makes Apple the biggest client of the world’s top chip supplier by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

We’ve seen a good number of conflicting reports regarding the iPhone 6, but most publications agree that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) is going to be a major supplier for the new smartphone’s processor when it launches later this year. Digitimes reported on Wednesday that Apple was primed to become TSMC’s biggest client as the foundry ramps up production of the A8 processors for the iPhone 6.

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Here are over 5,000 sites that track you with canvas fingerprinting

%name Here are over 5,000 sites that track you with canvas fingerprinting by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Internet users looking to better guard their online privacy are probably aware of a new tracking trick certain sites are experimenting with in order to offer better targeted ads even to those people who block other tracking measures. Called canvas fingerprinting, the new tool tells your browser to create a unique fingerprint for your computer, by retrieving certain details about how the browser is rendering text on your system. The fingerprint then can be used to track users across websites, and it looks like at least 5,619 website have used the technology during May 1-5, 2014, according to researches that looked into how canvas fingerprinting works.

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WTF of the week: Apple could be ‘obsolete’ in 2-3 years

%name WTF of the week: Apple could be ‘obsolete’ in 2 3 years by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

At some point in the future, Apple will no longer be the consumer technology giant it is today. It will become obsolete. Its products will no longer be trendy. Other companies will innovate and drive Apple out of markets it had once dominated. It’s inevitable. It might happen in 10 years or it might happen in 100 years, but it will happen. One of the few things we can safely assume, however is that it will not happen in the next 2-3 years — unless you’re Pedro de Noronha, managing partner at Noster Capital.

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11 cool Google Now easter eggs you have to check out

%name 11 cool Google Now easter eggs you have to check out by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

There is really no question that Google Now is one of the best things to happen to mobile devices in the past few years. Google’s intelligent personal assistant service gives you important information before you even realize you need it, and it is constantly improving as Google adds more great functionality to the service. Of course, Google Now isn’t all business — it can also have some fun from time to time just like Apple’s Siri, and there are some cool Google Now easter eggs that you really have to check out.

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Here’s yet another way the iPhone 6 is messing with Samsung

%name Here’s yet another way the iPhone 6 is messing with Samsung by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Samsung has already started making fun in a TV commercial of the unreleased iPhone 6, telling potential buyers that its Android handsets had bigger displays for quite a while in an obvious attempt to kill the iPhone 6 buzz and divert attention to its own 2014 flagship handset. But the company appears to actually have a real iPhone 6-related problem, Digitimes reports, which may affect its own smartphone launch plans. Apple’s massive metal chassis orders with suppliers are apparently preventing Samsung from placing its own metal chassis orders for a future iPhone 6 killer that would ditch plastic in favor of metal.

Read more here: Boy Genius Report