How to make long flights tolerable for just $60

%name How to make long flights tolerable for just $60 by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Flying is amazing. You can start your day in Russia, and finish it in Reno. You can travel in relative comfort at over 500 miles per hour. Of course, the operative word here is relative. Few things are sweeter than figuring out a way to cruise in business class as you cross an ocean or two, but if I’m honest, it’s pretty impractical for the vast majority of humans. So, do you squeeze yourself into an impossibly tight seat for 13 hours to get from Atlanta to Seoul, or do you stay home and spend the day clicking through Google Images?

You go.

I’ve endured my fair share of excruciatingly long flights in economy class, and there’s really no redeeming quality to the experience. The only benefit is that you arrive somewhere different. In fact, a quick Google search for “how to survive long flights” yields page upon page of tips from here, there, and yonder. I suppose I’m adding yet another to the pile.

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Windows 9: One OS to rule all devices

%name Windows 9: One OS to rule all devices by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Unlike Apple, which thinks merging iOS and OS X would be a “waste of energy,” Microsoft wants one single Windows operating system to be available to all its device users, whether they’re Windows Phone handset owners, Xbox fans, or rely on a Windows computer for work or play. Business Insider reports that CEO Satya Nadella said on the company’s FQ4 earnings conference call that a future version of Windows will merge all current Windows versions, becoming an “operating system that covers all screen sizes.”

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No one really cares about the Amazon Prime price increase

%name No one really cares about the Amazon Prime price increase by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

When Amazon first announced the price increase from $79 to $99 for Prime memberships, everyone was up in arms. Looking back at the reaction of Amazon customers following the announcement, you might have thought we’d be in the middle of a worldwide boycott of Amazon Prime about now, but it appears that the fallout was much less eventful than many had predicted. On Wednesday, CIRP released a report which shows that even after the price increase, 95% of U.S. Prime members still indicate that they will either “probably” or “definitely” renew their membership when it runs out.

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How to stop pesky Android apps from annoying you with notifications once and for all

%name How to stop pesky Android apps from annoying you with notifications once and for all by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Android’s notification system is without question the best in the business right now. It’s flexible and actionionable, providing a means for users to interact with notifications to save steps. For example, a user can archive or delete a new email in Gmail without ever having to open up the app. As great as Android’s notification system is, however, there are still plenty of apps that abuse it and pester users with annoying or useless notifications.

Thankfully, there is a remarkably simple way to stop annoying apps from bugging you with notifications.

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Is Comcast lying about its Internet speeds to prevent service cancellations?

%name Is Comcast lying about its Internet speeds to prevent service cancellations? by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Comcast’s customer care cancellation call crisis continues with a new episode, as IBTimes took a closer look at the claims made during that customer service call by the company’s representative who repeatedly said Comcast’s broadband is the fastest, wondering whether Comcast is purposely instructing its employees to lie about data speeds.

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The one way Xbox One is crushing PS4

%name The one way Xbox One is crushing PS4 by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Sony took advantage of Microsoft’s early missteps to ensure that the PlayStation 4 would come out on top as the new console generation kicked off, but after being on the market for over half a year, one surprising disparity has begun to arise in the Xbox One’s favor. Despite a steady stream of updates on both consoles, the PS4 has gained very little in the way of new features while the Xbox One is loaded with functionality it didn’t have at launch.

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Here’s why many people want their BlackBerrys back after switching to iOS and Android

%name Here’s why many people want their BlackBerrys back after switching to iOS and Android by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Following the release of the original iPhone in 2007 and the subsequent launch of Android, many people with work-issued phones spent years asking for their employers to switch away from BlackBerry smartphones to more modern devices. Finally, as Apple and Google increased their focus on security and BlackBerry hit dire straights a few years ago, workers began getting what that wanted and bring your own device (BYOD) policies became more common.

More recently, however, an interesting trend is being observed: Workers want their BlackBerrys back.

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EXCLUSIVE: iOS 8 beta 5 to be released August 4th, beta 6 on August 15th

%name EXCLUSIVE: iOS 8 beta 5 to be released August 4th, beta 6 on August 15th by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

According to our sources, Apple is nearing the end of the beta testing cycle for iOS 8. We are told that the company plans to seed iOS 8 beta 5 to developers on August 4th, and a final version of the OS, iOS 8 beta 6 on August 15th. After that we most likely are going to have a lull of several weeks until Apple is ready to release the iOS 8 GM (this is the final version, barring any unforeseen emergency fixes / problems). The latest version of Apple’s upcoming mobile software, iOS 8 beta 4, is the most stable and smooth out of all the releases so far, and it also incorporates new design and user interface tweaks, bug fixes and feature enhancements.

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Report from solid source points to iPhone 6 release in mid-September

%name Report from solid source points to iPhone 6 release in mid September by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Reports surrounding Apple’s impending iPhone 6 announcement keep rolling in. 9to5Mac reports that Apple is “tentatively” planning to host a keynote address in mid-September to announce the iPhone 6 and everything we need to know about the full version of iOS 8. According to the sources, the event will most likely be held during either the second or third week of September, but manufacturing issues could delay Apple’s schedule.

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