Weak phone sales prompt Samsung’s handset bosses to give back some of their bonuses

%name Weak phone sales prompt Samsung’s handset bosses to give back some of their bonuses by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Samsung recently pre-announced second-quarter earnings that badly missed analysts’ consensus. More importantly, of course, Samsung’s profit plummeted to its lowest point in two years. The tech giant’s poor performance was attributed to weakening smartphone sales that have slowed as competition increased at the low end, and we also learned recently that Samsung’s new flagship Galaxy S5 couldn’t even top sales of Apple’s iPhone 5s during its first full month of sales.

According to a new report, Samsung’s weakening phone sales have prompted hundreds of managers in the company’s devices division to give back part of their first-half bonuses.

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Google and Samsung again at odds, this time over products you don’t really want

%name Google and Samsung again at odds, this time over products you don’t really want by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Many reports have detailed an unfriendly relationship between Google and Samsung in the past, even though the two companies denied such reports every chance they got. In a surprising move in early 2014, the two parties signed a deal which should have further cemented their business partnership. In a recent extended profile piece on Sundar Pichai, one of Google’s current top execs, Bloomberg Bussinessweek detailed the tensions that existed between the two giants, over various aspects of their joint business efforts, with Pichai playing a key role in “fixing” the problem. However, The Information revealed on Thursday that Google and Samsung are still far from being as happy together as they claim to be.

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See what it feels like to be a ‘glasshole’ before dropping $1,500 on Google Glass

%name See what it feels like to be a ‘glasshole’ before dropping $1,500 on Google Glass by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

There’s no question that Google Glass is the ultimate geek toy right now, but are you really ready to spend $1,500 and fully embrace the “glasshole” lifestyle? Google this week said in an email to people who had previously expressed interest in Glass that the company is now letting prospective buyers try its connected eyewear for free before they commit to buying it.

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Despite making killer phones, HTC has been an ungodly mess for the past two years

%name Despite making killer phones, HTC has been an ungodly mess for the past two years by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Is there any company that so regularly releases great products while also regularly being in the midst of turmoil as HTC? Engadget’s Brad Molen has written a comprehensive timeline of major executive departures at HTC over the past two years and they show how HTC has faced constant turnover at key positions without showing any signs of stabilizing anytime soon.

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Apple once again finds that dumping Samsung is harder than it looks

%name Apple once again finds that dumping Samsung is harder than it looks by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

In an effort to further distance itself from rival Samsung, Apple signed an agreement with TSMC regarding the ongoing production of microprocessors for its smartphones and other devices last summer. On Thursday, Reuters published a new report which suggests that Apple might be rethinking this arrangement, as Samsung is expected to supply a larger proportion of the 14 nanometer smartphone chips than TSMC in the second half of 2015.

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Now you have another way to get the Android L keyboard before it officially releases

%name Now you have another way to get the Android L keyboard before it officially releases by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Not everyone with an Android device has been fortunate enough to gain access to the Android L Developer Preview, but some the elements of the update have been making their way back to older versions of Android. One of the most notable apps to make it on to the Google Play store was the Android L keyboard by developer Shen Ye, but it was unceremoniously pulled from the store shortly after its release.

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Hackers target Nest in as a warning to Google about data-sharing

%name Hackers target Nest in as a warning to Google about data sharing by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

If you ask Nest about sharing data with its new owner, the company will say that advertising isn’t part of its business model and that it plans to protect the privacy of its customers from Google. Nest will have to share some data with Google and others in order to enable automatic home-related features, but it is not supposed to lead to Google targeting users with even more ads than it currently does. To make sure Google won’t someday spam Nest owners with ads, a group of hackers plans to take preemptive action against Google and Nest, Forbes reports.

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