BlackBerry at long last unveils its answer to Siri and Cortana

%name BlackBerry at long last unveils its answer to Siri and Cortana by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

BlackBerry is a bit late to the party when it comes to unveiling its own voice-enabled personal assistant. Even so, the company nonetheless took the wraps off its new BlackBerry Assistant feature on Wednesday that will give BlackBerry 10 users the same voice-enabled functionality that iOS users have long enjoyed with Siri and that Android users have long enjoyed with Google Now.

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Samsung is about to buy the future

%name Samsung is about to buy the future by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Samsung is known to dabble in any and every area it possibly can in an effort to find the next big thing. But the company’s actual “next big thing” may have been born outside of Samsung’s walls. According to a report from Techcrunch, Samsung is currently in talks to acquire smart home startup SmartThings for somewhere in the neighborhood of $200 million. That may sound like a lot for a company that began on Kickstarter not long ago, but it’s a bargain for the company SmartThings has become.

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Microsoft reportedly has a worthy iWatch rival in the works

%name Microsoft reportedly has a worthy iWatch rival in the works by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Apple is widely expected to redefine the smartwatch business with its iWatch, a companion device said to include various sensors capable of measuring many health parameters and record fitness data. But Apple is not the only one working on exciting new wearable gadgets. The International Business Times has learned from a Microsoft source that the unnamed smartwatch the Windows maker is working on will also offer some advanced sensors, and it will come with cross-platform support.

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Second half of Samsung’s Galaxy 11 ad is just as bad as the first

%name Second half of Samsung’s Galaxy 11 ad is just as bad as the first by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Samsung has finally released the second half of the last #Galaxy11 soccer-focused ad campaign, more than a month after showing the first half between a fine selection of soccer stars – most of whom you may have already seen playing at the recently ended World Cup in Brazil – and a race of aliens who happen to love soccer so much that they’re ready to fight battles with other races (us, specifically) on the soccer playing field. However, the ad showing the second half of the game is just as terrible as the first one.

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Ultra affordable Android One smartphones take India by storm this October

%name Ultra affordable Android One smartphones take India by storm this October by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

In addition to Android L and Material Design, Google at I/O 2014 unveiled Android One, an Android reference platform meant to bring affordable smartphones to certain markets, and help Google bring more people online. Indian publication The Economic Times has learned the company plans to launch Android One smartphones this October in the country, with devices supposed to sell for $100 a pop.

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You might soon be able to test out hot new Xbox One and PS4 games before they release

%name You might soon be able to test out hot new Xbox One and PS4 games before they release by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

When Minecraft first went on sale, it wasn’t finished yet. In fact, it’s still not finished, but when the first Minecraft alpha release hit the Internet, a light went off. Five years later, early access games have become an indelible part of the PC gaming ecosystem, perhaps most notably with DayZ and Rust, and now console makers are looking for a way to bring unfinished games to the living room as well.

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These are the absurd names British intelligence spies have to remember to spy on you

%name These are the absurd names British intelligence spies have to remember to spy on you by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

In case you didn’t know it by now, spy agencies are really good – and hopefully effective – at spying on people, including both actual valid targets as well as unsuspecting citizens who aren’t plotting anything bigger than a trip to an exotic country. To further demonstrate the power of one such agency – NSA’s close buddy, the British GCHQ, in this case – The Intercept has published a new Snowden leak, which reveals such ambitious mass spying plans, as well as their silly names.

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Sling unveils two new Slingboxes as battle with pay TV companies continues

%name Sling unveils two new Slingboxes as battle with pay TV companies continues by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Sling Media on Tuesday unveiled two brand new Slingbox products alongside news that its SlingPlayer software will soon receive a major update. Sling Media is a pioneer in TV “place shifting,” having developed hardware and software solutions for years that allow users to stream live TV content from their homes to any computer, tablet or smartphone in the world. The company is currently facing a huge battle now that pay TV companies have begun to embrace streaming content in their own mobile apps, which now often stream TV shows and videos live or on demand. But that won’t stop Sling from launching two new products this summer.

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Shocker: Extensive new study says movie piracy isn’t that harmful to Hollywood

%name Shocker: Extensive new study says movie piracy isn’t that harmful to Hollywood by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

A new study looking at the relationship between movie piracy and Hollywood revenues has found that the mass illegal downloads movie studios complain about while spending vast resources to put a stop to, are not that relevant. TorrentFreak reveals that economist Koleman Strumpf has conducted a tremendous amount of research before releasing his determination – that movie piracy is not harmful to Hollywood. He looked at data from 150 blockbuster movies that were released over a period of seven years and, and drew data from a popular BitTorrent tracker as well as revenue projections from the Hollywood Stock Exchange.

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Sprint and T-Mobile won’t let themselves get left behind by Verizon and AT&T again

Sprint and T-Mobile know they can’t just stand idly by like they did in the 2008 when both Verizon and AT&T cleaned house in the hugely important 700MHz spectrum auction that gave America’s top two wireless carriers a big advantage in building high-speed LTE networks. Now The Wall Street Journal reports that Sprint and T-Mobile are joining forces to together raise $10 billion to spend on spectrum holdings in the the upcoming 600MHz auction.

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