The senate is still trying to jam through its hugely controversial cybersecurity bill

%name The senate is still trying to jam through its hugely controversial cybersecurity bill by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The federal government refuses to let one of the most controversial Internet bills ever conceived die. CISPA, as it was known when it was introduced in 2011, made a temporary resurgence last year only to meet the same opposition that had blocked its passage two years before. But as Vice has discovered, the bill is back under consideration by the U.S. Senate under a slightly altered name.

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Google is facing new Android antitrust issues in Europe

%name Google is facing new Android antitrust issues in Europe by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The European Union, which is working on finishing up its investigation of Google’s Search business in Europe, may soon look into Google’s Android app store-related business practices, GigaOm reveals. Portugal’s Aptoide, an alternative Android app source that houses more than 200,000 titles and has more than 6 million active users, met with the European Commissions last week in preparation for its complaint submission.

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Another benefit to cord cutting: It will slash your monthly electric bill

%name Another benefit to cord cutting: It will slash your monthly electric bill by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

If you find your electric bill has skyrocketed this summer, your air conditioner may not be the only culprit. The Los Angeles Times reports that cable set-top boxes are now consume more power in our homes than any other household appliance other than air conditioners. The reason for this is that set-top boxes are using almost as much power when they’re supposedly shut off as when they’re turned on while you’re watching TV.

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Game of Thrones finale shatters piracy records with 2PB of illegal downloads

%name Game of Thrones finale shatters piracy records with 2PB of illegal downloads by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The finale of the fourth Game of Thrones season shattered all previous illegal download records, TorrentFreak reports. First, a quarter-million people shared a single file at the same time. Beyond that, more than 1.5 million users downloaded a pirated copy of the show within the first 12 hours after it aired, with the number expected to move past 7.5 million in the following days.

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New details emerge on Samsung’s Oculus-like virtual reality headset

%name New details emerge on Samsung’s Oculus like virtual reality headset by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

If there is one characteristic that has defined Samsung over the past few years, it’s the company’s willingness to try absolutely anything. If a rival enters a new market — or if there is even a rumor that a rival will enter a new market — Samsung looks to get there as fast as it possibly can. Touchscreen smartphones, tablets, TV voice controls, media streaming boxes and smartwatches are all examples of this, and now it appears as though Samsung will look to compete with Facebook-owned Oculus VR in the near future.

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The ‘Netflix for Books’ just launched on Android

%name The ‘Netflix for Books’ just launched on Android by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

If you’re a hefty reader who isn’t overly attached to physical books then you may want to check out a new app that promises to for books what Spotify has done for music and what Netflix has done for movies. Per Android Police, a new app called Oyster has just launched on Android that offers an all-you-can-read book subscription service that will cost you just $10 per month.

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Man sells his record-breaking video game collection for $750,000

%name Man sells his record breaking video game collection for $750,000 by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Maybe obsessively collecting every video game known to man has its rewards after all. Engadget brings us word that avid gamer Michael Thomasson has sold his collection of more than 11,000 games and 100 different consoles on gaming auction site GameGavel for $750,250, which is a pretty astonishing sum given that there’s no way whoever is paying that much money for his collection will ever play the vast majority of those games.

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Check out these rare pictures from inside Amazon’s enormous warehouses

%name Check out these rare pictures from inside Amazon’s enormous warehouses by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

It’s not every day that reporters get a peek inside one of Amazon’s warehouses, but thanks to a great article from Wired, we can get a sense of just how big these warehouses are. Wired was shown around one of Amazon’s massive “fulfillment centers” in Phoenix, Arizona, to show how Amazon has become a platform for third-party sellers, much as its Amazon Web Services (AWS) has become a platform for any company that uses the cloud, from small startups to Netflix.

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This Android smartphone already ships with dangerous malware preinstalled

%name This Android smartphone already ships with dangerous malware preinstalled by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Android’s malware problem has taken a new twist, as such apps now come bundled with certain phones. Instead of creating apps that can pack hidden, malicious capabilities, some device makers in China are apparently ready to ship smartphones with built-in malware. Such is the case with the Star N9500, a Galaxy S4 clone from China, which comes with a Trojan on board masquerading as the Google Play Store, German publication Heise reports.

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