How to kill the scariest malware the world has ever seen for free

%name How to kill the scariest malware the world has ever seen for free by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Earlier this month, reports began trickling out about some of the scariest Android malware the world has ever seen. Dubbed Simplocker, the malicious software holds an Android smartphone or tablet hostage by encrypting all of the device’s photo, videos and documents. If the owner wishes to decrypt his or her data, a ransom is demanded. But now, thanks to Avast, there is a free way to fight Simplocker and regain control of your data without having to pay hackers a dime.

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IPAD AIR 2 LEAK: Next-gen iPad Air model leak reveals a major new feature

%name IPAD AIR 2 LEAK: Next gen iPad Air model leak reveals a major new feature by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Following the iPhone 6, which regularly appears in pictures in mockup form, an iPad Air 2 mockup – or sixth-generation iPad – has also leaked in similar images, Phone Arena reveals. The images reportedly show the final design of the iPad Air 2, with dimensions, design, ports, camera and button placements supposedly an exact match with the actual iPad Air 2 that will launch later this year.

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Paid apps gone free: TapnSlice for iPhone will help set your photos apart

%name Paid apps gone free: TapnSlice for iPhone will help set your photos apart by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Instagram and other similar photo-sharing apps are great because they allow just about anyone to quickly and easily add beautiful filters to their photos that dramatically enhance their look. As sleek as all these photos now are, however, they’re starting to all look the same. As such, unique photo editors that pop up from time to time are becoming increasingly important because they provide some differentiation between your photos and the images shared by everyone else in your various timelines.

Now, one such app — TapnSlice — has been made available for free for a limited time.

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PS4 is best-selling console again in May as game sales swell 52%

%name PS4 is best selling console again in May as game sales swell 52% by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

As the previous console generation stretched into its eighth year, game sales had nearly slowed to a halt. It took the release of the PS4 and Xbox One to begin the recovery process, but May 2014 represents the first period in six months that software sales haven’t seen a decline. In fact, total video game sales were up 52% from May 2013, owing to both a 95% growth in hardware sales and the release of Watch Dogs and Mario Kart 8.

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One chart shows how much of a killing Apple will make with the iPhone 6

%name One chart shows how much of a killing Apple will make with the iPhone 6 by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Apple is expected to launch not one but two completely redesigned iPhone models in 2014. According to a number of solid reports, the first will be a 4.7-inch iPhone 6 model and the second will be an even larger iPhone with a 5.5-inch display. In 2013, Apple smashed its earlier records by selling a staggering 9 million new iPhone handsets through their first weekend of availability alone. And that was with a relatively minor “S” upgrade leading the way — imagine how much damage Apple can do with two brand new iPhone models.

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New bill unveiled to kill Internet ‘fast lanes’ once and for all

%name New bill unveiled to kill Internet ‘fast lanes’ once and for all by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The Federal Communications Commission’s net neutrality plan has been controversial to say the least and now a newly unveiled piece of legislation aims to stop it dead in its tracks. Per The Washington Post, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Rep. Doris Matsui (D-Calif.) this week unveiled a new bill that would specifically instruct the FCC to use every power at its disposal to stop Internet service providers from setting up Internet “fast lanes” that would let them charge content providers more money for preferential treatment on their networks.

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GAME CHANGER OR DOA? This is everything you need to know about Amazon’s smartphone

%name GAME CHANGER OR DOA? This is everything you need to know about Amazons smartphone by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Amazon is about to unveil its first own-brand smartphone. Perhaps you’ve read about it. Maybe you’ve even seen it. And if you’ve done either, the odds are good whatever you’ve read or seen originated right here on BGR. We have reported a number of exclusive details surrounding the first Amazon phone, and we also gave the world its first look at the device. With Amazon seemingly set to unveil the phone during a press conference on Wednesday, now is the perfect time to take a look at all of the exclusive details we have reported over the past two months.

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A complete list of the 240 new emoji coming soon to a phone near you

%name A complete list of the 240 new emoji coming soon to a phone near you by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Tweens, teens and hip parents around the world, rejoice! Unicode, the consortium responsible for ensuring that text in software is consistent across the globe, has released a new version of its standard. Unicode 7.0 adds a total of 2,834 new characters including pictographic symbols, geometric symbols, arrows and Wingdings. Also included among them are 240 brand new emoji for your texting pleasure.

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