Legere pounces on AT&T’s decision to raise activation fees

%name Legere pounces on AT&T’s decision to raise activation fees by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

It used to be that if one mobile carrier raised activation fees, rival carriers wouldn’t publicly slam them in part because they wanted to reserve the right to raise fees of their own. However, T-Mobile CEO John Legere has taken a different tack, which involves trolling AT&T nonstop for just about everything it does. So when news broke Wednesday that AT&T would be raising up its smartphone activation fees for customers who buy phones on contract, Legere predictably pounced and use it as yet another club with which to beat Ma Bell.

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Email overload got you down? Here are two simple tools to help you out

%name Email overload got you down? Here are two simple tools to help you out by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Most people have an email problem and we all struggle with overflowing inboxes. Various solutions have sprung up, from inbox zero to apps like Mailbox and Triage that help you quickly sift through your email. But the problem will persist as long as we keep receiving so many emails each day. So what can you do? Get to the source of the problem and unsubscribe from all those unwanted newsletters you receive using one of two services that were recently recommended by Wired.

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OnePlus One might actually start shipping tomorrow

%name OnePlus One might actually start shipping tomorrow by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Android fans, we hope you’re sitting down for this: the OnePlus One might actually start shipping soon. The beastly yet affordable smartphone of hardcore Android fans’ dreams has been taunting us for months, with botched competitions, software-related delays and more constantly standing between hopeful OnePlus One owners and their new handsets. Now, according to the company, it’s finally ready to start fulfilling orders.

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OnePlus One might actually start shipping tomorrow

%name OnePlus One might actually start shipping tomorrow by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Android fans, we hope you’re sitting down for this: the OnePlus One might actually start shipping soon. The beastly yet affordable smartphone of hardcore Android fans’ dreams has been taunting us for months, with botched competitions, software-related delays and more constantly standing between hopeful OnePlus One owners and their new handsets. Now, according to the company, it’s finally ready to start fulfilling orders.

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E3 Preview: Bloodborne is the faster, prettier sibling of Demon’s Souls

%name E3 Preview: Bloodborne is the faster, prettier sibling of Demon’s Souls by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

No matter how much you want it to be, Bloodborne is not a sequel to Demon’s Souls. Call it a spiritual successor if you want, but Hidetaka Miyazaki, Director of From Software, has been constantly telling the small group of press assembled to see Bloodborne in action for the first time that this is not another Souls game. Bloodborne is a different beast entirely.

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Ex-BlackBerry diehard reveals the one thing that can get him to switch back from Android

%name Ex BlackBerry diehard reveals the one thing that can get him to switch back from Android by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

You know that BlackBerry’s handset business is in big trouble when even longtime CrackBerry contributors are talking about why they’ve abandoned ship for other smartphones. And yet that’s exactly what frequent CrackBerry writer Chris Umiastowski has done with a new post informing the BlackBerry faithful that he switched over to Android a while ago… and he doesn’t see himself switching back unless BlackBerry makes some important changes.

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Cool new Google Now trick leaks crucial detail about the future of Android

%name Cool new Google Now trick leaks crucial detail about the future of Android by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Google on Wednesday revealed on Twitter that Google Now will offer soccer fans World Cup scores and match schedules on Android and iOS, a great new feature – at least for some smartphone owners – that arrives just in time for this year’s major soccer event. In addition to revealing the new Google Now feature, Google also provided an image showing how World Cup scores would look in Google Now, revealing – intentionally or by mistake – one important detail about Android’s future.

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Massive Gmail bug may have exposed every single user’s address

%name Massive Gmail bug may have exposed every single user’s address by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

A huge flaw in Google’s wildly popular Gmail service was recently discovered that may have exposed the email addresses of every single user. According to a report from Wired, security researcher Oren Hafif found and helped Google fix a serious bug that left Gmail users’ email addresses exposed to anyone with a bit of patience. While digging up addresses would have taken quite a bit of time, the report notes that the bug had existed for years before it was fixed, and it easily could have been utilized to obtain every Gmail user’s address.

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