It sounds like Spotify has nothing to fear from Amazon’s music streaming service

%name It sounds like Spotify has nothing to fear from Amazon’s music streaming service by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Remember when some of us thought that Apple’s iTunes Radio might be a significant competitor with Pandora when it was announced last year? Well, we were definitely laughably wrong about that but we do feel confident in saying that Amazon’s new music streaming service won’t pose much of a threat to Spotify. The New York Times reports that Amazon’s new music streaming service will launch as soon as next week but it won’t feature any new releases and it won’t have any albums from the Universal Music Group, which just happens to be the world’s largest music company.

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E3 Preview: ‘The Order: 1886′ brings cinematic warfare to the PS4

%name E3 Preview: ‘The Order: 1886′ brings cinematic warfare to the PS4 by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

In many ways, The Order: 1886 is just another third-person, cover-based shooter. As a member of the eponymous Order, you’ll be equipped with the requisite weapons and equipment you need to take on the rebel forces and the half-breed monsters that have overrun 19th century London. Where this game differentiates itself from other games in the genre is its visual flare — The Order: 1886 looks like a film, and it’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.

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The Android smartphone for people who are sick of Android smartphones

%name The Android smartphone for people who are sick of Android smartphones by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

When Lari Numminen and Jukka Kekäläinen set out to improve the user experience on Android, they did not expect to create an entire new phone. Instead, they initially built an Android app that would offer a simple interface for launching your most-used apps. The app eventually was installed 10,000 times, but the developers realized that people still had to use Android’s complex pre-installed apps in addition to their own. To solve this, they decided to create their own phone, which is called the Zilta and will be available in December for €139 (about $189) in Europe.

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New iMacs are coming, but they’re not the Retina iMacs we’re waiting for

%name New iMacs are coming, but they’re not the Retina iMacs we’re waiting for by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Apple will reportedly update its iMac line next week, French publication MacGeneration has learned, although the new iMac models won’t feature Retina displays. Instead, the new iMacs said to be coming next week will receive a processor bump and possibly new Thunderbolt 2 ports. The news apparently comes from the same source who accurately predicted the launch of new MacBook Airs.

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Cool new accessory adds a wireless external flash to your iPhone

%name Cool new accessory adds a wireless external flash to your iPhone by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Compared to most other smartphones, Apple’s iPhone takes impressive low-light photos. In fact, the latest-generation iPhone 5s features a new dual-LED flash that improves low-light photography even more. But only so much can be accomplished by one or two tiny LED bulbs, and a new iPhone accessory looks to solve the problem of limited light by moving the flash off of the phone.

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PCMag: T-Mobile has blown past AT&T to become America’s 2nd-fastest 4G network

%name PCMag: T Mobile has blown past AT&T to become America’s 2nd fastest 4G network by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

That annoying sound you hear is T-Mobile CEO John Legere cackling madly. PCMag, which every year conducts a comprehensive study of wireless network speeds across the United States, has just published its latest study that shows T-Mobile has surged past AT&T and now offers the second-fastest 4G service in the United States behind Verizon.

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HTC’s Prime phablet is not as dead as you might think

%name HTC’s Prime phablet is not as dead as you might think by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

HTC has been rumored for a while to be working on an HTC One (M8) Prime that would take on the Galaxy S5 Prime and the LG G3, but then @evleaks revealed in late May that plans to launch the phone has been put on hold. Even so, that doesn’t mean HTC’s plans for a flagship phablet are dead, as the same source has now learned that a Prime device will be launched in the future, but not this year.

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REVIEW: This is the one accessory every smartphone owner should have

%name REVIEW: This is the one accessory every smartphone owner should have by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

I’m hoping that things change in the (near) future, but for now, my smartphone outsmarts any in-car navigation system that I’ve seen. To date, I have yet to find anything as excellent as having Google Maps leading the way, which presents a relatively simple problem: How is one supposed to mount his or her phone in their vehicle without leaving any permanent scars?

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Despite what Time Warner Cable says, we really do need bigger, faster Internet services

%name Despite what Time Warner Cable says, we really do need bigger, faster Internet services by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Time Warner Cable earlier this year said that it just doesn’t see why it should create a high-speed fiber network on par with Google Fiber since most of its customers just don’t “need” that kind of speed. However, a new study from Cisco shows that even if we don’t “need” to have super-fast networks right this instant, we definitely will in the near future as more and more people watch their video online instead of through cable boxes or over the air.

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The 50 most important tips and tricks every LG G3 owner should know

%name The 50 most important tips and tricks every LG G3 owner should know by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The LG G3 looks like LG’s best smartphone yet and now TechSmartt has put together a terrific video showing off the 50 most important tips and tricks that anyone who buys the new device should know. Among other things, TechSmartt will walk you through ways to rearrange all your notification toggles, to quickly launch your camera even when your display is turned off, to launch Google Now just by saying “OK Google” when you’re on your home screen, how to enable lock screen widgets, how to save your battery life and much, much, more.

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