LIVE STREAMING VIDEO: Watch Nintendo’s big E3 2014 event right here!

%name LIVE STREAMING VIDEO: Watch Nintendos big E3 2014 event right here! by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Once again, Nintendo will be forgoing a press conference this year in favor of an online streaming Digital Event. It might sound like a worrying concession from the struggling Japanese company, but stage presence doesn’t make much of a difference when no one’s buying your home console. We need to see properties both new and old at this event to give us a reason to get excited about Nintendo again.

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Hidden iOS 8 files reveal iPhone is about to get one of Google Now’s coolest new features

%name Hidden iOS 8 files reveal iPhone is about to get one of Google Now’s coolest new features by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Google Now is one of the most exciting things to happen to the mobile industry in years, and Google has been working hard lately at adding even more smart functionality to its intelligent personal assistant. It looks like some of Google’s work with Google Now has inspired Apple, because new revelations suggest that one of Google’s most recent new feature additions will be making its way to iOS 8 as well.

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One ad exec explains why he’d rather sell sugar water than work for Apple

%name One ad exec explains why he’d rather sell sugar water than work for Apple by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Back when Steve Jobs was trying to convince then-Pepsi executive John Sculley to come over to Apple, he famously asked him, “Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to come with me and change the world?” If one anonymous ad exec quoted by AdAge is any indication, Sculley probably should have said he’d rather sell sugar water.

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iOS 8 BETA REVIEW: A week with iOS 8

%name iOS 8 BETA REVIEW: A week with iOS 8 by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

All things considered, the past year with my iPhone has been pretty boring.

I have discussed the state of smartphones countless times here on BGR. For savvy power users like myself — and like millions of BGR readers out there — we’re in a bit of a lull right now. Put plainly, 2013 was a pretty boring year for smartphone fans.

Innovation doesn’t grow on trees, and impressive progress has been made in the smartphone market over the past 18 months. Phones are thinner and sleeker than they ever have been before. Mobile operating systems like Android, iOS and Windows Phone have been updated with plenty of nifty new features.

Has anything been introduced that might truly excite power users, though? That’s open to debate. What most technology fans likely won’t debate, though, is that the new features introduced in iOS 7 were not exciting for savvy users. Not even a little bit.

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IPHONE 6 LEAK: iPhone 6, iPhone phablet release schedule seemingly revealed

%name IPHONE 6 LEAK: iPhone 6, iPhone phablet release schedule seemingly revealed by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Once or twice a year, Cantor Fitzgerald analyst Brian White heads to the Far East to meet with his various unnamed supply chain contacts. Sometimes, he comes back with some real scores — White was among the first to suggest that Apple was working on an iPad mini ahead of its debut, and he was also the first to reveal that Apple intended to launch iPhones in new colors last year. Other times, he comes back with big misses.

White has proven accurate at times in the past though, and now he’s back with news pertaining to the launches of Apple’s iPhone 6, iWatch and iPhone phablet.

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Here are 9 exclusive PS4 games Sony revealed at E3

%name Here are 9 exclusive PS4 games Sony revealed at E3 by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

PlayStation 4 owners have a lot of new video games to look forward to, including some very interesting titles that will be available both on Sony’s and Microsoft’s consoles such as Battlefield Hardline, GTA V and Batman: Arkham Knight. But beyond those great games, Sony on Monday announced a variety of PS4 exclusives that will be available in the future, or right away, as is the case with Entwined. The launch trailers for nine exclusive PS4 titles follow below.

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Secret new iOS 8 features let you do something Apple has never allowed before

%name Secret new iOS 8 features let you do something Apple has never allowed before by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Apple’s iOS platform and Google’s Android software are quite similar in some ways, but there are a number of areas where these two leading mobile platforms differ dramatically. One such area pertains to user interface customization — Android’s open nature has allowed for the creation of a wide range of third-party user interface tweaks that help people customize Android to better suit their needs. Apple might never open iOS up quite that much, but secret options in iOS 8 have been uncovered that let users make some big interface customizations for the first time.

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It looks like Sony just won E3

%name It looks like Sony just won E3 by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The annual E3 conference isn’t really a competition… but if it were, Sony would have just won. Microsoft and Sony each pulled out all the stops on Monday at E3 2014 and did their best to prove that this new console generation will be the best in history. Each company did a tremendous job, showing off exciting exclusive titles and revealing hotly anticipated non-exclusive games as well. Gamers in both camps will have plenty to be excited about in 2014 and 2015 but according to one industry watcher, E3 2014 painted the same picture we’ve seen since the PS4 and Xbox One were first unveiled: Sony is winning.

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This is how much it’ll cost to stream games with PlayStation Now

%name This is how much it’ll cost to stream games with PlayStation Now by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Sony on Monday during its E3 2014 keynote revealed that PlayStation Now will be available as an open beta beginning on July 31 – the game streaming service which was unveiled at CES 2014 is already available in closed beta. The Verge has learned more details about the service, including how much it will cost to stream various games to supported devices.

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