Claimed hacker behind iCloud nude photos theft says it took ‘months’ of planning to pull off heist

%name Claimed hacker behind iCloud nude photos theft says it took ‘months’ of planning to pull off heist by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Hacking into iCloud and swiping nude photos of various celebrities isn’t a one-night operation — it apparently takes months of planning. The Daily Mail notices that a man who has claimed responsibility for this week’s big iCloud photo heist has posted details about how long it took to supposedly pull off the hack. The man, who is now apparently being investigated by the FBI, apparently headed up a group of hackers who were collectively responsible for the theft.

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The Nexus 9’s special keyboard case mixes the best of iPad and Surface Pro accessories

%name The Nexus 9’s special keyboard case mixes the best of iPad and Surface Pro accessories by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Google has traditionally dropped the ball when it comes to timely releasing Nexus device accessories, but this might change once the HTC Nexus 9 is launched. Echoing reports that suggested the upcoming high-end Nexus tablet might get a variety of case accessories, including a keyboard folio, Android Police has discovered more details about the device’s brand-new keyboard accessory.

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Both Apple and FBI confirm investigation of nude celebrities photos fiasco

%name Both Apple and FBI confirm investigation of nude celebrities photos fiasco by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Personal data from various celebrities – nude photos and videos allegedly belonging to many well-known personalities from various entertainment businesses – have been stolen by a hacker or group of hackers and posted online a few days ago, an event known online as “the Fappening.” While some celebrities denied the leaked pictures, others confirmed their existence, and it looks like both Applewhose iCloud service might have been somehow compromised in this particular hack – and the FBI are investigating the matter, The Register reports.

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Cortana makes fun of Siri in brand new TV commercial

%name Cortana makes fun of Siri in brand new TV commercial by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Microsoft is back at making fun of Apple products in a new TV ad that stars Apple’s Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana, the two voice-activated virtual assistants available on iOS and Windows Phone, respectively. In the new commercial, Microsoft is actually using the verbal duel between the two assistants to promote the HTC One (M8) for Windows – a recently released high-end handset – by comparing it to Apple’s existing flagship handset, the iPhone 5s.

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Man dumps liquid nitrogen on his head in most dangerous Ice Bucket Challenge video yet

%name Man dumps liquid nitrogen on his head in most dangerous Ice Bucket Challenge video yet by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The band members of Spinal Tap always talked about “the fine line between stupid and clever,” and that’s about all we can think of while watching this latest Ice Bucket Challenge video produced by chemist Muhammad Qureshi, who decided to one-up everyone else who has taken the challenge so far by pouring liquid nitrogen all over his head.

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Customize your PS4 and PS Vita with themes in the next major updates

%name Customize your PS4 and PS Vita with themes in the next major updates by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The success of the PlayStation 4 in the international market has been well-documented, but that doesn’t mean Sony’s latest home console is without its own unique flaws. In our review last fall, we noted that the app stream on the dashboard was going to become problematic as the PS4’s library began to expand, yet Sony still hasn’t found a way to address the issue in any of its recent updates. In the meantime, the company plans to distract us with dashboard themes.

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Don’t worry, GTA V is still coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC this fall

%name Don’t worry, GTA V is still coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC this fall by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

One of the most anticipated next-gen titles of the holiday season is already out… but just not on the platforms we want it. Rockstar Games announced at E3 2014 that Grand Theft Auto V would be making the transition to the PS4, Xbox One and PC this fall, but three months later, we haven’t heard or seen any new signs of the highly anticipated port. Rumors began to spread that GTA V might be delayed, but Rockstar wants to ensure fans that the game is still on track.

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Why Beats headphones are so ridiculously overpriced

%name Why Beats headphones are so ridiculously overpriced by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Beats headphones aren’t exactly beloved in the audiophile community and yet Dr. Dre’s company still gets away with charging an obscene $300 per pair for its Beats Studio Headphones. Why? A new MKBHD video that went viral over the weekend does a nice job of breaking things down: Basically, Beats can get away with charging so much more for its headphones thanks to the magic of branding.

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4 hilariously awful Kickstarters that you will not believe are real

%name 4 hilariously awful Kickstarters that you will not believe are real by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Kickstarter has become a wonderful way to watch hilariously deluded people fail to achieve their completely ridiculous dreams. Thanks to the dedicated crew at Reddit’s /r/shittykickstarters community, we’ve found for more incredible anti-gems for you to check out that will hopefully never find enough suckers to get successfully funded.

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