Apple denies intentionally compromising iOS security, explains ‘backdoor’ features

%name Apple denies intentionally compromising iOS security, explains ‘backdoor’ features by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Following an extensive security report from an iOS forensic and security expert that questioned some of Apple’s iOS tools when it comes to the user’s security and privacy (see his questions in the image above), Apple has taken another step to address “backdoor” concerns on top of stating that it’s not working with anyone to include backdoors in any of its products.

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This is your best chance yet to get your hands on a OnePlus One… but you’d better hurry!

%name This is your best chance yet to get your hands on a OnePlus One... but youd better hurry! by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Among Android enthusiasts, the OnePlus One is easily the most desirable new smartphone of 2014 so far. It doesn’t have the 2K display from LG’s G3, the gorgeous metal build from the HTC One (M8) or the massive marketing budget backing Samsung’s Galaxy S5, but it’s a cutting edge smartphone powered by the highly hackable CyanogenMod software. What’s more, it’s shockingly affordable.

The only problem, of course, is that it’s still almost impossible to buy one. But thankfully, OnePlus just gave hopeful prospective One owners their best chance yet to get their hands on one.

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Motorola now wants you to buy temporary digital tattoos to unlock your Moto X

%name Motorola now wants you to buy temporary digital tattoos to unlock your Moto X by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Remember the Motorola Skip? A tiny wearable smartphone accessory that can help you quickly unlock the Moto X and other 2013 Moto Droid handsets? Well, Motorola has devised a similar version of the Skip, but this time around it goes on your skin rather than on a piece of clothing. The company has partnered with VivaLnk, and started selling a temporary Digital Tattoo that can be worn on the user’s skin to quickly unlock the Moto X.

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This free mod makes Watch Dogs look more gorgeous than ever before

%name This free mod makes Watch Dogs look more gorgeous than ever before by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Watch Dogs is one of the best games of the year and a decent showcase title for the new generation consoles, but it still doesn’t stand up to the seemingly professionally doctored demo from E3 2012. What we saw two years ago was a game that looked more stunning than just about anything else on the market — the reality wasn’t quite as impressive. Now, just two months after the game’s release, PC modder Federico Rojas (aka TheWorst) has released the final version of his graphics mod for Watch Dogs on the PC, bringing the retail release up to speed with the pipe dream from the original demo.

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Netflix will attack six European markets this September

%name Netflix will attack six European markets this September by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

It’s no secret that Netflix to expand in additional European markets this year, but the company has never offered an exact rollout plan for the new countries it wants to conquer. Fortunately, in a new letter to shareholders spotted by Android Police, Netflix confirmed that its European presence will see a significant increase in September, when the movie streaming service will reach six new markets.

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The EFF has a new tool that will stop websites from spying on you

%name The EFF has a new tool that will stop websites from spying on you by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Things have gotten to the point where many Internet users are starting to assume that almost every website on the Net is spying on them or tracking them in some way. And the sad reality is in most cases, they’re correct — nearly all websites people might visit contain some code that is intended to monitor, track or even “spy” on users. So for the privacy conscious among us, is there anything we can do to stop the madness?

The answer, of course, is yes.

Read more here: Boy Genius Report