Hilarious: John Oliver now wants FCC Chairman to prove he’s not a dingo

%name Hilarious: John Oliver now wants FCC Chairman to prove he’s not a dingo by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

A few weeks ago, John Oliver’s net neutrality appeal during his HBO show went viral, convincing many Internet users to leave comments with the FCC about the its controversial proposal that would allow for Internet “fast lanes.” In Oliver’s original smackdown of the FCC, he said that having Wheeler run the Federal Communications Commission despite working previously as a cable company lobbyist was “the equivalent of needing a babysitter and hiring a dingo.” Meanwhile,, on Friday Wheeler was asked whether he had heard Oliver’s remarks, and the chairman actually made a point of denying that he is a dingo.

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For the first time in years, Sony is selling more game consoles than anyone else

%name For the first time in years, Sony is selling more game consoles than anyone else by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

It looks like 2014 is primed to be the year of the PlayStation. The Wall Street Journal reports that, for the first time in years, Sony has taken the lead with combined home console and portable hardware sales worldwide. After conceding to Nintendo last year by just 200,000 units, the popularity of the PlayStation 4 and continued adoption of the PS Vita have given Sony a comfortable lead at 18.7 million combined sales, 2.4 million over Nintendo and 7.2 million over Microsoft.

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Moto X+1 photos leak alongside dramatically improved specs — HERE WE GO!

%name Moto X+1 photos leak alongside dramatically improved specs    HERE WE GO! by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Motorola’s next-generation flagship phone will not be assembled to order in an American factory like its predecessor, but it still looks like the “Moto X+1” will still have plenty to offer prospective buyers. According to a new leak that included several photos of the unreleased phone as well as key specs, the X+1 will be a dramatic improvement over the original Moto X, which was a mid-range smartphone with specs that were no match for market leaders at the time.

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The 5 best games I played at E3 2014

%name The 5 best games I played at E3 2014 by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

As the sole member of the BGR E3 away team, I had to pick and choose very carefully to make sure I saw as many games as I possibly could during the three days the show floor was open. Since we’re still very early in the life cycle of the new generation of consoles, many of the most exciting prospective games aren’t due until next year, but don’t worry, 2014 won’t be a total wash.

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Unleash the beast! iOS 8 will awaken the dormant power in Apple’s iPhone 5s and iPad Air

%name Unleash the beast! iOS 8 will awaken the dormant power in Apples iPhone 5s and iPad Air by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The true desktop-grade power of the 64-bit A7 chip that’s currently found in several 2013 Apple devices including the iPhone 5s, iPad Air and Retina iPad mini will actually be unleashed once iOS 8 rolls out and developers start making use of the new Metal API for iOS in brand new, console-grade games, according to AppleInsider.

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WOW! Galaxy S5 crushes iPhone 5s and other leaders in expert camera review

%name WOW! Galaxy S5 crushes iPhone 5s and other leaders in expert camera review by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about a Samsung smartphone? A giant phablet? A gorgeous screen? A plasticky look and feel? Whatever your answer might be, the camera on Samsung’s handsets likely isn’t near the top of the list for most people. With the Galaxy S5, however, that may change — according to a recent review from the photography experts at DxOMark, Samsung’s latest flagship smartphone is equipped with the best camera in the business.

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GALAXY NOTE 4 LEAK: Galaxy Note 4’s most incredible feature has been confirmed

%name GALAXY NOTE 4 LEAK: Galaxy Note 4s most incredible feature has been confirmed by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Samsung wasn’t the first smartphone maker to launch an oversized handset with a huge screen, but there is no question that the company popularized the phablet category. And ever since the first Galaxy Note smartphone launched back in 2011, Samsung has been the king of this category. The South Korean electronics giant is expected to hold onto its crown in 2014 when it debuts the latest addition to its Note phablet lineup later this year, and now the Galaxy Note 4’s most impressive feature has apparently been confirmed.

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Check out these 12 hidden iOS 8 tricks

%name Check out these 12 hidden iOS 8 tricks by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

When Apple unveiled iOS 8 at WWDC 2014 two weeks ago, the company only demoed a few of its most important features. The company also listed some of other new iOS 8 capabilities offstage, and left many more to be discovered by iOS 8 beta 1 users. MacRumors has put together a big list of iOS 8 features, revealing several interesting tricks that aren’t obvious at first sight, but could prove to be more than useful for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users.

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The most secure version of BBM ever is now available

%name The most secure version of BBM ever is now available by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

BBM is still a hugely popular messaging app and now there’s a new version of it that promises to be the most secure mobile messaging platform in the world. BlackBerry on Monday announced the availability of BBM Protected, which functions just as BBM does except it now has an added layer of encryption in the form of a unique encryption key that’s shared exclusively between a message’s sender and its recipient. Even more impressively, BlackBerry says that “each message uses a new random symmetric key for message encryption,” so even if one key gets compromised it doesn’t mean all your messages will also be exposed.

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