Google may be on the prowl for a new music streaming service of its own, The New York Post has learned, as – just like Apple – the company is not particularly happy with its home-grown solutions.
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Google may be on the prowl for a new music streaming service of its own, The New York Post has learned, as – just like Apple – the company is not particularly happy with its home-grown solutions.
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Samsung is apparently already working on Android tablets with 4K resolution, TechRadar reveals, after having seen one such prototype in France during an LTE broadcast demonstration at the French Open at Roland Garros. The device used is apparently a “reference device for operators to perform tests with,” although the tablet came with clear Samsung branding and design, including Samsung’s “physical home key below the 12-inch UltraHD display.” From the looks of it, the tablet seems similar to Samsung’s current 12.2-inch Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 and Tab Pro 12.2 models.
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Apple on Monday unveiled iOS 8, introducing many new features that users will appreciate. Some have been available on Android for a while now, or via jailbreak apps on iOS, but they will all be appreciated by users when they roll out this fall. To give people a better idea of how things will change, one blog decided to compare the new features in iOS 8 with what’s currently available in iOS 7.
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Imagine a single device could replace your keyboard, a mouse and a trackpad. Imagine you already own that device, and the missing link between you and all of this great functionality is a $1.99 app. Now, imagine that app was made available for free for a limited time.
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AT&T’s tough-talking public policy chief Jim Cicconi wants to set the record straight: AT&T hates the idea of Internet fast lanes. That’s why he’s penned a new blog post over at Ma Bell’s website in which he excoriates net neutrality advocates for accusing AT&T and other ISPs of wanting to create Internet “fast lanes” where they charge Internet companies more money to get their traffic delivered more quickly.
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Just as expected, Apple’s OS X Yosemite operating system has a brand new design that’s more like to iOS than its predecessor. Apple has employed various subtle and not-so-subtle design tricks to make the transition, while trying to preserve the same functionality Mac users have grown accustomed to when it comes to basic OS X features. Pixelapse has taken an in-depth look at Yosemite’s design, comparing it with similar elements from Mavericks, and highlighting the good, the “okay” and the bad design features of the new OS.
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It’s not hard to figure out why cord cutting has become a popular phenomenon: consumers hate their cable providers. Not all of them, of course, but according to a recent survey of more than 3,000 people by management consulting firm cg42, 53% of customers are frustrated by their primary provider and would leave if they had a choice in the matter. Unfortunately, many don’t have a choice, and as Comcast and Time Warner Cable prepare to merge, the choices are about to become even more limited.
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At some point in the next few months, Apple is going to unveil the next iteration(s) of the iPhone. There’s a good chance that the company will debut two new models, and an even better chance that the iPhone 6 will feature a larger display that any previous iPhone, but we won’t know for certain until Apple takes the stage. As always, the anticipation has many potential consumers holding on to their current devices until Apple reveals its yearly offering, and this might throw a wrench into the gears of other vendors with a new phone already on the market.
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The “console war” is just as meaningless as the “smartphone war,” but that won’t stop passionate gamers from berating each other every chance they get. Competition is inevitable, and some aspects of this war are useful. Comparing sales of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, for example, gives investors a good idea of how each company is progressing during the early days of this console generation.
But verbally attacking people because they don’t own the same little black box as you is ridiculous and sad.
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Did you know that America has the greatest and most awesomely competitive broadband market in the world and that it will only get better if we let cable and telecom companies do whatever they want? OK, so you probably didn’t know that, likely because it’s not at all true. But that’s the message that several shady “pro-consumer” groups have started pushing lately to create a perception that the American people are just begging the government to liberate poor Comcast and Time Warner Cable from all regulatory shackles and let them charge companies more money to make sure that their traffic gets delivered faster than traffic on the standard Internet.
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