DO THIS NOW: Microsoft just released an emergency fix for a critical bug – here’s how to get it right away

%name DO THIS NOW: Microsoft just released an emergency fix for a critical bug   heres how to get it right away by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

For some people, it doesn’t get any more annoying than Windows Update, which always seems to begin downloading huge files that slow down your computer every time you need to do something important. On the flip side of the coin, however, the Windows Update mechanism often updates your machine with critical security fixes that are needed in order to ensure your private data is safe. Well, if you have Windows 10 your private data might not be safe anyway, but that’s an entirely different story.

Microsoft on Wednesday pushed out a major security update that fixes a critical security vulnerability in Internet Explorer, so all versions of Windows are affected, not just Windows 10 and not just older versions of Windows. In other words, you absolutely need to download it right now — here’s how.

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