SNL roasts Donald Trump fans in show’s opening sketch

%name SNL roasts Donald Trump fans in show’s opening sketch by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The ongoing rise of Donald Trump as a serious Presidential candidate will undoubtedly be a topic of intense discussion and debate for quite some time. Seemingly out of nowhere, Trump managed to make the leap from the reality TV and business arena into the cutthroat world of politics where he has quickly made short work of vastly more qualified candidates.

One of the more interesting things about Trump’s run for the Oval Office is that he can seemingly say anything he wants — no matter how controversial, no matter how offensive — without suffering any repercussions in the polls. Quoting Benito Mussolini on Twitter? No problem. Saying John McCain isn’t a war hero? No big deal. Sending out a distasteful tweet mocking the appearance of Ted Cruz’s wife? Not even that could seemingly slow down the freight train that is Trump.

This past weekend, Saturday Night Live tapped into this bizarre dynamic with a well put together sketch highlighting how the stereotypical Trump supporter is prone to rationalizing everything that comes out of Trump’s mouth, no matter how outrageous it might be.


Read more here:: Boy Genius Report

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