Apple’s Plan to Radically Redesign the iPhone: New Report Offers More Key Details

%name Apple’s Plan to Radically Redesign the iPhone: New Report Offers More Key Details by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Earlier on Monday, we told you about a new rumor that started cropping up suggesting that Apple has plans to dump the iPhone’s iconic phycial home button in the future in favor of a virtual home button. This move would free up more space for the device’s display, although it would also be a major change from how people in the past have used the iPhone. One of AppleInsider’s sources claims that the company really is working on a radical redesign of the iPhone but adds that we shouldn’t expect to see it before 2017 at the earliest.

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Pick Up a $200 Pair of V-MODA Headphones for 65% Off Today at Amazon

%name Pick Up a $200 Pair of V MODA Headphones for 65% Off Today at Amazon by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

If you visited BGR over the weekend, you probably saw this scathing piece on the quality of Beats headphones. Beats products aren’t the worst on the market, but they also certainly aren’t worth the hefty price tag that comes along with a pair. So what do you do if you want a nice pair of headphones that’s actually worth the price of admission?

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14 Photos Of The Coolest International Borders In The World

%name 14 Photos Of The Coolest International Borders In The World by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

When we think of international borders between countries, we often tend to think of either secured checkpoints or, perhaps, unremarkable, isolated, and imaginary dividers between two pieces of land.

Some borders, though, are truly fascinating and downright cool. Listed below are some of the more interesting international borders on the planet.

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CEO Tim Cook Finally Explains Why Apple Released a Gold iPhone

%name CEO Tim Cook Finally Explains Why Apple Released a Gold iPhone by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Many people scratched their heads when rumors first emerged that Apple planned to launch a gold iPhone in addition to its standard silver and gray/black colors. Gold jewelry had been making a comeback, of course, but the color choice seemed gaudy for an iPhone.

In some markets, that was indeed the case and the new iPhone was considered a bit gaudy in gold. But Apple CEO Tim Cook has finally explained why Apple decided to start making gold iPhones, and the decision appears to have been the correct one.

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Watch John Oliver rip the Confederate Flag and its supporters into pieces

%name Watch John Oliver rip the Confederate Flag and its supporters into pieces by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Many people from the Southern United States sincerely believe the Civil War-era Confederate Flag is a symbol of Southern heritage and not of racism. However, many of those people probably aren’t aware that South Carolina in particular didn’t actually start flying the Confederate Flag outside its State House until 1962, when it was intended to be a direct rebuke to the Civil Rights movement. This is why to many more people the flag is a symbol of a desire to keep racial minorities as permanent second-class citizens.

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