Exclusive: Apple Stores finally begin selling Apple Watch starting today

%name Exclusive: Apple Stores finally begin selling Apple Watch starting today by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

The Apple Watch is finally here. We have been told by trusted sources that Apple Stores around the country have begun to receive shipments of the Apple Watch for sale through in-store reservations for personal pickup when purchased online. We’re not sure if this means you can buy the watch today or if the stock will be used for overnight purchases and available for pick up tomorrow. There’s no word on the product mix at this point, but we’re still investigating.

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Video: That moment when you sing a song in public and the actual singer rolls up to join in

%name Video: That moment when you sing a song in public and the actual singer rolls up to join in by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

We all have favorite songs that we humming all day long, and some people go ahead and sing them in front of an actual audience rather than enjoying the privacy of a shower. That’s exactly what one teenager did in a shopping mall during a singing-based fund-raiser of sorts. But little did she know that the artist who actually sings the song she chose would happen to walk by and jump on stage unannounced to help her.

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The 5 biggest announcements you missed from Sony’s big E3 event

%name The 5 biggest announcements you missed from Sony’s big E3 event by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Press day at the annual E3 video game conference is behind us and the show itself has officially begun. Day -1 was action packed, to say the least, and there were several big events we covered live. Among them were the two biggest ones of the year: Microsoft and Sony.

Microsoft’s event still has gamers buzzing, and the star of the show was definitely a mind-blowing previous of Minecraft for the HoloLens. Could Sony possibly top that awesome demo? No… but Sony company had plenty of big announcements of its own in store for us during last night’s press conference — here are the five most important ones.

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Video: A real Jurassic World park would cost $23.43B to build, $11.9B a year to maintain

%name Video: A real Jurassic World park would cost $23.43B to build, $11.9B a year to maintain by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Just launched, Jurassic World enjoyed terrific success at the box office, setting a new opening weekend record by grossing well over half a billion in sales. In other words, people seem to really like dinosaurs and stories about special dino-themed parks, so a website decide to calculate how much it would actually cost to build a real Jurassic Park and maintain it. Obviously, people would visit such a park rather than seeing a movie about it.

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Rich Californians whine that they’ll have to ration their water like all the other peasants

%name Rich Californians whine that they’ll have to ration their water like all the other peasants by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

In an ideal world, you’d be allowed to use as much water as you needed to keep your massive lawns and golf courses looking nice and green. However, with California facing an unprecedented drought that’s showing no sign of ending, the state has had to place limits on the amount of water people can use. The Washington Post brings us word that this water rationing is really not going over well in wealthy Californian communities such as Rancho Santa Fe, whose residents consume five times more water per capita than the state average. As you’d expect, the people who are upset by the new rationing policy come across as equal parts clueless and entitled.

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Nerve-wracking video shows what it’s like to sit on top of St. Louis’s Gateway Arch

%name Nerve wracking video shows what it’s like to sit on top of St. Louis’s Gateway Arch by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Believe it or not, the iconic Gateway Arch in St. Louis does actually need to be cleaned off every now and then. And the people who do the cleaning on behalf of the U.S. National Park Service have to slowly scale their way up to the top with the help of rope, harnesses and carabiners. Yes, it’s as nerve-wracking as it sounds and the National Park Service has released a video showing us what it’s like to be one of the brave souls who climbs up over 600 feet to perform the thankless task of scrubbing bird droppings off a national monument.

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Hilarious yet sad: John Oliver recruits Helen Mirren to read the Senate’s report on torture

%name Hilarious yet sad: John Oliver recruits Helen Mirren to read the Senate’s report on torture by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

In case you’re not watching HBO’s Last Week Tonight on a regular basis then you might have missed a hilarious John Oliver take on a very serious matter. This time it’s not about net neutrality or FIFA corruption but on the American government’s use of “enhanced interrogation techniques,” or torture in simpler terms.

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Try Waze right now to hear Arnold Schwarzenegger give you driving directions

%name Try Waze right now to hear Arnold Schwarzenegger give you driving directions by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

If you use Waze to help you navigate through traffic during your commute, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to hear the voice of the Terminator greeting you today. Yes, Waze has recruited Arnold Schwarzenegger to be the voice of its mobile app in which he uses his Terminator persona to help you find the most efficient way to get to where you need to go.

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PlayStation E3 2015 press conference live stream and live blog – watch live at 9:00PM ET!

%name PlayStation E3 2015 press conference live stream and live blog – watch live at 9:00PM ET! by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

We’re in the home stretch of E3 2015 press conferences now. After watching Microsoft, EA and Ubisoft unveil enough games to tide us over until 2017, it’s time for Sony to push us over the edge. This will be the last conference of the night, so you know the PlayStation team has to have some incredible reveals in store to keep us awake after a long day of gaming nirvana.

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Panoramic photos from every movie set Jeff Bridges has been on for the past 35 years

%name Panoramic photos from every movie set Jeff Bridges has been on for the past 35 years by Authcom, Nova Scotia\s Internet and Computing Solutions Provider in Kentville, Annapolis Valley

Jeff Bridges is the man. You know this, I know this, we all know this. But did you know that for the past 35 years, Bridges has been saving fantastic panoramic photos while on set during every single movie he’s been in?

From The Big Lebowski and Iron Man to Tron: Legacy and Fearless, they’re all accounted for — and as you’d imagine, they’re all absolutely awesome.

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