When Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Fold last week, the company confirmed that the handset would launch with 512GB of eUFS 3.0 storage, which may not immediately mean anything to you. It didn’t even detail its new eUFS 3.0 tech on stage, but it’s the next-gen storage standard that’s expected to dramatically increase storage transfer speeds on mobile devices. At one point during the deluge of Galaxy S10 rumors and leaks, we heard that the phone would come with eUFS 3.0 storage on board — but that didn’t happen. Instead, the Galaxy S10 handsets come with up to 1TB of eUFS 2.1 flash memory. That’s still fast storage, but not as fast as what the Galaxy Fold will offer: the foldable phone will need just three seconds to transfer a 3.7GB Full HD movie, which is four times faster than most of the laptop SSD memory out there.
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The Galaxy Fold has an exciting new feature Samsung didn’t even announce on stage originally appeared on BGR.com on Wed, 27 Feb 2019 at 09:55:37 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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