Apple in late March unveiled its brand new Apple TV platform, which includes support for several stand-alone streaming apps, as well as its own Netflix-rival, Apple TV+. Weeks later, Disney came out with its own streaming service, Disney+, which will launch later this year. Unlike Apple, Disney actually revealed the price of its upcoming streaming package, a price that makes Disney+ extremely appealing. Add to that Amazon, HBO, Hulu, and YouTube, and it’s pretty clear the streaming wars are well underway. Apple, however, doesn’t see it that way, saying that it can coexist with the likes of Netflix, which is easily the most popular streaming platform in the world right now.
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Tim Cook knows Apple TV+ won’t compete with Netflix, and he says it’s not supposed to originally appeared on on Wed, 1 May 2019 at 12:30:33 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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